August 2019 - News Daily



Saturday, August 31, 2019

लालू यादव की तबियत बिगड़ी, किडनी महज 37% ही कर रही काम

August 31, 2019 0
लालू यादव की तबियत बिगड़ी, किडनी महज 37% ही कर रही काम
बिहार के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री और राष्ट्रीय जनता दल(RJD) के अध्यक्ष लालू यादव के गुर्दे (किडनी) को काफी नुकसान पहुंचा है....

from आज तक

भज्जी और पठान के क्लब में शामिल हुए बुमराह, हैट्रिक के साथ बनाया यह रिकॉर्ड

August 31, 2019 0
भज्जी और पठान के क्लब में शामिल हुए बुमराह, हैट्रिक के साथ बनाया यह रिकॉर्ड
सबिना पार्क में खेले जा रहे दूसरे और आखिरी टेस्ट मैच में भारतीय गेंदबाज जसप्रीत बुमराह ने वेस्टइंडीज बैटिंग...

from आज तक

Hartalika Teej: ऐसे रखें हरतालिका तीज का व्रत, ये है शुभ मुहूर्त

August 31, 2019 0
Hartalika Teej: ऐसे रखें हरतालिका तीज का व्रत, ये है शुभ मुहूर्त
हरतालिका व्रत को हरतालिका तीज या तीजा भी कहते हैं. इस बार यह व्रत 1 सितंबर 2019, रविवार को...

from आज तक

दिल्ली-NCR में बढ़े सीएनजी के दाम, रुपये में गिरावट बनी वजह

August 31, 2019 0
दिल्ली-NCR में बढ़े सीएनजी के दाम, रुपये में गिरावट बनी वजह
डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपये की कीमत में गिरावट आने की वजह से दिल्ली-एनसीआर में सीएनजी के दाम बढ़ गए हैं....

from आज तक

Daily Bulletin: 19 lakh excluded from final NRC list in Assam, Bumrah’s hat-trick, Texas shooting; today’s top stories

August 31, 2019 0
Daily Bulletin: 19 lakh excluded from final NRC list in Assam, Bumrah’s hat-trick, Texas shooting; today’s top stories

Barcelona Held by Newly-promoted Osasuna as Slow Start to La Liga Season Continues

August 31, 2019 0
Barcelona Held by Newly-promoted Osasuna as Slow Start to La Liga Season Continues

स्विस बैंकों में किन भारतीयों का है कालाधन, आज से खुलनी शुरु हो जाएगी पोल

August 31, 2019 0
स्विस बैंकों में किन भारतीयों का है कालाधन, आज से खुलनी शुरु हो जाएगी पोल
भारत और स्विट्जरलैंड के बीच एक करार हुआ है जो 1 सितंबर से प्रभावी होने जा रहा है. इससे...

from आज तक

Donald Trump dismisses secretary over claim he didn’t want to be photographed with his daughter Tiffany

August 31, 2019 0
Donald Trump dismisses secretary over claim he didn’t want to be photographed with his daughter Tiffany

At least five dead, 21 injured in Texas mass shooting; police shoot gunman dead after chase

August 31, 2019 0
At least five dead, 21 injured in Texas mass shooting; police shoot gunman dead after chase

जीटीबी अस्पताल में 8वीं मंजिल से कूदकर डॉक्टर ने जान दी, नहीं मिला सुसाइड नोट

August 31, 2019 0
जीटीबी अस्पताल में 8वीं मंजिल से कूदकर डॉक्टर ने जान दी, नहीं मिला सुसाइड नोट
दिल्ली के गुरु तेग बहादुर अस्पताल में एक डॉक्टर के आत्महत्या कर ली है. पुलिस ने बताया कि जीटीबी अस्पताल...

from आज तक

Liverpool Maintain Perfect Premier League Start with Win Over Burnley, Klopp Surprised

August 31, 2019 0
Liverpool Maintain Perfect Premier League Start with Win Over Burnley, Klopp Surprised

अनुच्छेद 370 पर बीजेपी का मेगाप्लान, जागरूकता अभियान आज से शुरू

August 31, 2019 0
अनुच्छेद 370 पर बीजेपी का मेगाप्लान, जागरूकता अभियान आज से शुरू
भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने जनसंपर्क अभियान और जन जागरण अभियान के लिए दो टीमों का गठन किया था, जिसकी अध्यक्षता...

from आज तक

सेंसर बोर्ड को मिला नया लोगो, प्रसून जोशी हैं बेहद उत्साहित

August 31, 2019 0
सेंसर बोर्ड को मिला नया लोगो, प्रसून जोशी हैं बेहद उत्साहित
नए लोगो और प्रमाण पत्र की पहचान सेंट्रल बोर्ड ऑफ फिल्म सर्टिफिकेशन के अध्यक्ष द्वारा दी गई. नए लोगो और...

from आज तक

अमृता प्रीतम की सौवीं जयंती पर तापसी और उर्मिला ने यूं किया उन्हें याद

August 31, 2019 0
अमृता प्रीतम की सौवीं जयंती पर तापसी और उर्मिला ने यूं किया उन्हें याद
पंजाब की लोकप्रिय लेखिका और कवियत्री अमृता प्रीतम की 100 जयंती के मौके पर बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेसेस ने उन्हें याद किया...

from आज तक

दिल्ली का वो लड़का, जिसने अपनी एक्टिंग से खूब हंसाया और डराया भी

August 31, 2019 0
दिल्ली का वो लड़का, जिसने अपनी एक्टिंग से खूब हंसाया और डराया भी
दीपक डोबरियाल वो एक्टर हैं जिनके फिल्मों में रोल छोटे होते हैं लेकिन लोगों के दिमाग में बड़ा असर छोड़...

from आज तक

बेयर ग्रिल्स को मधुमक्खी ने मारा डंक, बाल-बाल बची जान

August 31, 2019 0
बेयर ग्रिल्स को मधुमक्खी ने मारा डंक, बाल-बाल बची जान
शुरुआत में तो उन्होंने बेपरवाह होकर शूटिंग जारी रखी, लेकिन कुछ वक्त बाद उनकी हालत बिगड़ने लगी. उनकी तबीयत खराब...

from आज तक

Serie A: Kalidou Koulibaly Hands Juventus Win in 7-goal Thriller vs Napoli

August 31, 2019 0
Serie A: Kalidou Koulibaly Hands Juventus Win in 7-goal Thriller vs Napoli

उन्नाव रेप पीड़िता की हालत में सुधार, एम्स के ICU से वार्ड में शिफ्ट

August 31, 2019 0
उन्नाव रेप पीड़िता की हालत में सुधार, एम्स के ICU से वार्ड में शिफ्ट
अभी हाल तक उन्नाव दुष्कर्म पीड़िता की हालत गंभीर बनी हुई थी जिसे देखते हुए उसे एम्स के आईसीयू...

from आज तक

मुठभेड़ के बाद बावरिया गैंग के 2 बदमाश गिरफ्तार, एक पर 50 हजार का इनाम

August 31, 2019 0
मुठभेड़ के बाद बावरिया गैंग के 2 बदमाश गिरफ्तार, एक पर 50 हजार का इनाम
गोली की आवाज सुनकर गांव वालों ने विरोध किया तो अंधाधुंध फायर करते हुए लूटे हुए सामान के साथ भाग...

from आज तक

'कोहली के हाथ में धोनी का भविष्य, टीम के पास सिर्फ पंत का विकल्प'

August 31, 2019 0
'कोहली के हाथ में धोनी का भविष्य, टीम के पास सिर्फ पंत का विकल्प'
टीम इंडिया के पूर्व कप्तान सौरव गांगुली ने भारतीय क्रिकेट के दिग्गज विकेटकीपर महेंद्र सिंह धोनी के भविष्य को लेकर...

from आज तक

फ्लॉप राहुल को लगातार मौके दे रहे विराट, रोहित के बाहर होने पर सवाल

August 31, 2019 0
फ्लॉप राहुल को लगातार मौके दे रहे विराट, रोहित के बाहर होने पर सवाल
केएल राहुल भारतीय टीम के लिए तीनों फॉर्मेट में क्रिकेट खेलते हैं. राहुल के प्रदर्शन में निरंतरता की कमी रही...

from आज तक

अमेरिका: टेक्सास में अंधाधुंध फायरिंग, 5 लोगों की मौत, 21 घायल

August 31, 2019 0
अमेरिका: टेक्सास में अंधाधुंध फायरिंग, 5 लोगों की मौत, 21 घायल
अमेरिका के टेक्सास में दो बंदूकधारियों की अंधाधुंध फायरिंग में पांच लोगों की मौत हो गई है, जबकि 21 लोगों...

from आज तक

बिहार: जेल के अंदर बदमाश ने साथियों को दी बर्थडे पार्टी, वीडियो वायरल

August 31, 2019 0
बिहार: जेल के अंदर बदमाश ने साथियों को दी बर्थडे पार्टी, वीडियो वायरल
पिंटू तिवारी नाम का अपराधी 2015 में दरभंगा में दो इंजीनियरों के हत्याकांड में शामिल था और फिलहाल सीतामढ़ी जेल...

from आज तक

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assam NRC final list today: From 1947 to 2019, a look at blighted history of state’s struggle against influx of immigrants through porous border

August 30, 2019 0
Assam NRC final list today: From 1947 to 2019, a look at blighted history of state’s struggle against influx of immigrants through porous border

US Open 2019: Serena Williams eases into fourth round with comfortable win over Karolina Muchova

August 30, 2019 0
US Open 2019: Serena Williams eases into fourth round with comfortable win over Karolina Muchova

Final NRC publication: On his last day in office, Assam’s police chief insists that adequate security arrangements are in place

August 30, 2019 0
Final NRC publication: On his last day in office, Assam’s police chief insists that adequate security arrangements are in place

With the publication of the contentious National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam scheduled for Saturday, security arrangements have been beefed up across the state, Director General of Police Kuladhar Saikia said

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from Firstpost

सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी बोले- नई आर्थिक के बिना 5 ट्रिलियन इकोनॉमी संभव नहीं

August 30, 2019 0
सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी बोले- नई आर्थिक के बिना 5 ट्रिलियन इकोनॉमी संभव नहीं
बीजेपी नेता सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने नई आर्थिक नीति पर सवाल उठाए हैं. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने कहा कि नई आर्थिक के...

from आज तक

धोनी पर सेलेक्टर्स का खुलासा- क्या T-20 वर्ल्ड कप में खेलेंगे?

August 30, 2019 0
धोनी पर सेलेक्टर्स का खुलासा- क्या T-20 वर्ल्ड कप में खेलेंगे?
एम.एस.के. प्रसाद की अध्यक्षता वाली सीनियर चयन समिति ने भारत के वर्ल्ड चैम्पियन कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धोनी को दक्षिण...

from आज तक

पाकिस्तान धर्म परिवर्तन मामला: परिवार के पास पहुंची सिख लड़की, 8 लोग गिरफ्तार

August 30, 2019 0
पाकिस्तान धर्म परिवर्तन मामला: परिवार के पास पहुंची सिख लड़की, 8 लोग गिरफ्तार
पाकिस्तान के ननकाना साहिब में सिख लड़की के अपहरण और धर्म परिवर्तन का मामला भारत में सुर्खियों में है. भारत...

from आज तक

विराट के साथ टीम इंडिया की ग्रुप फोटो से अनुष्का गायब, ये थी वजह

August 30, 2019 0
विराट के साथ टीम इंडिया की ग्रुप फोटो से अनुष्का गायब, ये थी वजह
बिना अनुष्का के विराट कोहली और टीम इंडिया की फोटो सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो गई. जिसके बाद बहुत...

from आज तक

भारत आईं गेम ऑफ थ्रोन्स की ड्रैगन क्वीन एमिलिया, शेयर किए Photos

August 30, 2019 0
भारत आईं गेम ऑफ थ्रोन्स की ड्रैगन क्वीन एमिलिया, शेयर किए Photos
अगर आप हॉलीवुड के फैन हैं तो आपको वर्ल्ड फेमस टीवी सीरीज गेम ऑफ थ्रोन्स के बारे में जरूर...

from आज तक

US Open 2019: Roger Federer back to his best after thumping Dan Evans in straight sets to reach fourth round

August 30, 2019 0
US Open 2019: Roger Federer back to his best after thumping Dan Evans in straight sets to reach fourth round

Daily Bulletin: Assam final NRC list to be published today; Shahjahanpur law student to stay under Delhi Police’s protection; day’s top stories

August 30, 2019 0
Daily Bulletin: Assam final NRC list to be published today; Shahjahanpur law student to stay under Delhi Police’s protection; day’s top stories

Final list of Assam NRC to be published today, Shahjahanpur law student to be given protection by Delhi Police till next hearing, India-West Indies second test match today; day's top stories

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from Firstpost

Tourists scatter as Hurricane Dorian hurls toward Bahamas

August 30, 2019 0
Tourists scatter as Hurricane Dorian hurls toward Bahamas

By Rebekah F Ward (Reuters) - Tourists scrambled to leave the Bahamas on Friday as Hurricane Dorian approached its northwestern islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco, eager to take off before the international airport was to shut down at 10 p.m. The Miami-based National Hurricane Center said in a statement at 8:30 p.m

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from Firstpost

Slowing and strengthening, ‘extremely dangerous’ Hurricane Dorian worries Florida

August 30, 2019 0
Slowing and strengthening, ‘extremely dangerous’ Hurricane Dorian worries Florida

By Zachary Fagenson MIAMI (Reuters) - Hurricane Dorian churned towards Florida with increasingly powerful winds and drenching rains on Friday, wreaking havoc on people's Labor Day weekend plans in one of America's biggest vacation destinations. The Miami-based National Hurricane Center said in a statement at 830pm EDT (0030 GMT) on Friday that Dorian had strengthened into an "extremely dangerous" category 4 hurricane, packing maximum sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km/h).

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लिंचिंग पर कानून बनने के बाद पहला केस, चोरी के आरोप में युवक को पीटा

August 30, 2019 0
लिंचिंग पर कानून बनने के बाद पहला केस, चोरी के आरोप में युवक को पीटा
बंगाल के मुर्शिदाबाद में फलों की दुकान में चोरी करने के आरोप में भीड़ ने युवक की जमकर पिटाई की....

from आज तक

मध्य प्रदेश आकर अपने बच्चों से मिलने को बेताब 80 साल का 'चीनी सैनिक'

August 30, 2019 0
मध्य प्रदेश आकर अपने बच्चों से मिलने को बेताब 80 साल का 'चीनी सैनिक'
आजादी के बाद साल 1963 में चीनी सैनिक वांग छी को भारत में जासूसी के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया गया...

from आज तक

U.S. says Iranian oil tanker headed towards Syria

August 30, 2019 0
U.S. says Iranian oil tanker headed towards Syria

By Nerijus Adomaitis and Jonathan Spicer OSLO/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday that an Iranian oil tanker at the centre of a confrontation between Washington and Tehran was headed to Lebanon's waters, but the United States later said the ship was sailing to Syria.

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from Firstpost

Brazil officials, Bolsonaro’s son meet with Trump to discuss Amazon fires

August 30, 2019 0
Brazil officials, Bolsonaro’s son meet with Trump to discuss Amazon fires

Slowing and strengthening, Hurricane Dorian worries Florida

August 30, 2019 0
Slowing and strengthening, Hurricane Dorian worries Florida

By Zachary Fagenson MIAMI (Reuters) - Hurricane Dorian churned toward Florida with more powerful winds and drenching rains on Friday, wreaking havoc on people's Labor Day weekend plans in one of America's biggest vacation destinations. In the Bahamas, evacuations were underway in the two days before Dorian was expected to bring a life-threatening storm surge of as much as 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters) to the northwest of the islands, the National Hurricane Center said. On Florida's east coast, where Dorian's winds were expected to begin hitting on Monday morning, items ranging from bottled water to plywood were being bought as quickly as they could be restocked

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from Firstpost

U.S. and China will meet in September, Trump says, but tariff hikes remain

August 30, 2019 0
U.S. and China will meet in September, Trump says, but tariff hikes remain

By Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trade teams from China and the United States continue to talk and will meet in September, but tariff increases on Chinese goods set to go in place on Sunday will not be delayed, President Donald Trump said on Friday. The U.S

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from Firstpost

Oklahoma hospital used dirty gastroscopes on almost 1,000 patients; no infections reported

August 30, 2019 0
Oklahoma hospital used dirty gastroscopes on almost 1,000 patients; no infections reported

By Chad Terhune (Reuters) - An unnamed hospital in Oklahoma used contaminated gastroscopes in procedures performed on nearly a thousand patients in recent months, device maker Pentax Medical told U.S. regulators last month, putting the patients at risk of exposure to bacteria that can cause infections. In a July 22 report that only recently became public and was reviewed by Reuters, Pentax told the Food and Drug Administration that a hospital used up to four gastroscopes contaminated with bacteria in 998 procedures performed sometime last year through June 2019, when the problem was discovered.

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In Trump’s team, misgivings emerge over any deal with Taliban in Afghanistan – U.S. officials

August 30, 2019 0
In Trump’s team, misgivings emerge over any deal with Taliban in Afghanistan – U.S. officials

By Jonathan Landay and Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As negotiators work to nail down an agreement with the Taliban to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, misgivings have grown among some Trump administration officials and lawmakers that it will erode the United States' ability to thwart attacks from there, U.S. officials said.

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Exclusive – Messaging app Telegram moves to protect identity of Hong Kong protesters

August 30, 2019 0
Exclusive – Messaging app Telegram moves to protect identity of Hong Kong protesters

By Joel Schectman WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Telegram, a popular encrypted messaging app, will allow users to cloak their telephone numbers to safeguard Hong Kong protesters against monitoring by Chinese authorities, according to a person with direct knowledge of the effort.

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Mexico president girds for key address ringed by problems, riding high in polls

August 30, 2019 0
Mexico president girds for key address ringed by problems, riding high in polls

By Dave Graham MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gears up for his first state of the union address on Sunday with the economy flirting with recession, murders reaching record levels - and his popularity riding high. After taking office in December vowing to revive a sluggish economy and bring down violence, the veteran leftist Lopez Obrador has so far fallen short of the goals he set himself. But he has firmly installed himself at the centre of public consciousness with two-hour daily news conferences and rallies around Mexico which he uses to discredit adversaries and blame previous governments for the country's woes

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U.S. blacklists Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya, sanctions captain

August 30, 2019 0
U.S. blacklists Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya, sanctions captain

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday blacklisted the Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya, which is at the centre of a confrontation between Washington and Tehran, and sanctioned its captain. "Vessels like the Adrian Darya 1 enable the (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force) to ship and transfer large volumes of oil, which they attempt to mask and sell illicitly to fund the regime’s malign activities and propagate terrorism," Treasury Under Secretary Sigal Mandelker said in a statement.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

आय से अधिक संपत्ति केस: ED के सामने आज पेश हो सकते हैं डीके शिवकुमार

August 29, 2019 0
आय से अधिक संपत्ति केस: ED के सामने आज पेश हो सकते हैं डीके शिवकुमार
आय से अधिक संपत्ति मामले में कांग्रेस नेता डीके शिवकुमार आज प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) के सामने पेश हो सकते हैं....

from आज तक

First Amendment group asks Representative Ocasio-Cortez to unblock users

August 29, 2019 0
First Amendment group asks Representative Ocasio-Cortez to unblock users

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University said on Thursday it asked Democratic U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to unblock any Twitter users she has barred on the basis of their political views

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SEBI gives clean chit to 3 former NSE executives in co-location case, seeks action against 2

August 29, 2019 0
SEBI gives clean chit to 3 former NSE executives in co-location case, seeks action against 2

U.S. House Democrats lose bid to fast-track Trump tax return lawsuit

August 29, 2019 0
U.S. House Democrats lose bid to fast-track Trump tax return lawsuit

By Jan Wolfe WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge refused on Thursday to fast-track a congressional lawsuit seeking to force disclosure of President Donald Trump's federal tax returns, saying it was a complicated and important matter that should not be rushed.

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New Mexico official orders cancellation of Jeffrey Epstein land leases

August 29, 2019 0
New Mexico official orders cancellation of Jeffrey Epstein land leases

(Reuters) - New Mexico's attorney general on Thursday called for the cancellation of state land leases to Jeffrey Epstein as his office investigated allegations the late financier sexually abused girls and women at his ranch south of Santa Fe. The leased land forms part of Epstein's nearly 10,000-acre Zorro Ranch near Stanley, New Mexico, one of multiple luxury properties held by Epstein, who was found dead in a Manhattan jail cell on Aug.

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Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong arrested ahead of weekend protests

August 29, 2019 0
Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong arrested ahead of weekend protests

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong was arrested on Friday ahead of another weekend of planned protests in the Chinese-ruled city which is grappling with its biggest political crisis since its handover to Beijing more than two decades ago. Wong, the face of Hong Kong's push for full democracy during protests in 2014 that paralysed parts of the city for 79 days, was released from jail in June after serving a five-week term for contempt of court. "He was suddenly pushed into a private car on the street," Wong's political party Demosisto, which advocates for greater democracy in Hong Kong, said on its official Twitter account

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Colombian dissident rebel leader issues new call to arms three years after peace deal

August 29, 2019 0
Colombian dissident rebel leader issues new call to arms three years after peace deal

By Luis Jaime Acosta and Julia Symmes Cobb BOGOTA (Reuters) - A group of former rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) said in a video posted overnight that they will embark on a new offensive, threatening to resume five decades of armed conflict against the government. Two former commanders from the group, known by their aliases Ivan Marquez and Jesus Santrich, appear in the 32-minute YouTube announcement, which Marquez said was filmed in Colombia's Amazon jungle.

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Trump says Florida faces ‘absolute monster’ hurricane

August 29, 2019 0
Trump says Florida faces ‘absolute monster’ hurricane

By Zach Fagenson and Gabriella Borter MIAMI/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Florida residents on Thursday were bracing for a hurricane that was threatening to smack into the centre of the state over the Labor Day weekend, and President Donald Trump said it appeared the storm's winds would be "unbelievably high." Trump cancelled a visit to Poland scheduled for the weekend and Florida's governor expanded a state of emergency to prepare for Hurricane Dorian, which is forecast to make landfall on the Atlantic coast Monday as a dangerous Category 4 storm. "Now it’s looking like it could be an absolute monster," Trump said in a video posted on Twitter, adding that food and water was being shipped to Florida

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Chinese troops in Hong Kong won’t ‘sit on hands’ if situation worsens – China Daily

August 29, 2019 0
Chinese troops in Hong Kong won’t ‘sit on hands’ if situation worsens – China Daily

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese soldiers stationed in Hong Kong are not there merely for symbolic purposes and they will have "no reason to sit on their hands" if the situation in the city worsens, an editorial in the China Daily newspaper said on Friday. China on Thursday completed what it called a routine rotation of the air, land and maritime forces stationed in the former British colony, which has been rocked since June by a wave of sometimes violent demonstrations.

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Oil dips after three days of gains

August 29, 2019 0
Oil dips after three days of gains

Asian shares rise on conciliatory trade tone but mood cautious

August 29, 2019 0
Asian shares rise on conciliatory trade tone but mood cautious

By Swati Pandey SYDNEY (Reuters) - Asian shares ticked higher on Friday as China struck a hopeful tone on trade with the United States but continued fears about a global growth slowdown, or even a recession, capped sharp rallies. Investors were focused on a string of economic releases due over the weekend including China's official manufacturing survey which would provide a good gauge of the real impact from the Sino-U.S

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China’s Xi says ‘bigger step’ possible in offshore oil, gas development with Philippines

August 29, 2019 0
China’s Xi says ‘bigger step’ possible in offshore oil, gas development with Philippines

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said China and the Philippines could take a "bigger step" in the joint development of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea if they can "properly" handle their dispute over sovereignty. Xi made the remarks on Thursday in a meeting in Beijing with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has positioned himself as a friend of Beijing but has come under growing pressure at home to push back against China's maritime assertiveness

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UK calls for broad support to tackle Gulf shipping threats

August 29, 2019 0
UK calls for broad support to tackle Gulf shipping threats

LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab will call for more international support to protect shipping in the Strait of Hormuz when he meets his French and German counterparts later on Friday for talks about Iran. Last month, Iran seized a British-flagged oil tanker in the strait, the Gulf's outlet to the open seas, in apparent retaliation for Britain's seizure in Gibraltar of an Iranian ship accused of violating European sanctions by taking oil to Syria. Britain joined a U.S.-led mission to escort merchant vessels through the Strait of Hormuz at the start of August but Germany and France declined to take part amid fears that it could increase the chance of open conflict with Iran.

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Vaccines group seeks $7.4 billion to save up to 8 million lives

August 29, 2019 0
Vaccines group seeks $7.4 billion to save up to 8 million lives

TOKYO (Reuters) - The GAVI global vaccines alliance on Friday called on donors for $7.4 billion to help immunize 300 million children against life-threatening diseases between 2021 and 2025, and save up to eight million lives. GAVI, which is backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organisation (WHO), donor governments and others, funds immunisation programmes for poor nations that cannot afford to buy vaccines at rich-world prices. "Over the past two decades the Vaccine Alliance has helped to protect a generation against some of the world's deadliest diseases," GAVI CEO Seth Berkley said in a statement

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As Dorian looms, Florida’s Space Coast braces for possible unprecedented impact

August 29, 2019 0
As Dorian looms, Florida’s Space Coast braces for possible unprecedented impact

By Joey Roulette WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Hurricane Dorian advances on a course likely to slam the Florida peninsula within days, U.S. space agencies and aerospace companies are sheltering millions of dollars in hardware and assets along the Space Coast.

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Trump cancels Poland trip as Hurricane Dorian gains strength

August 29, 2019 0
Trump cancels Poland trip as Hurricane Dorian gains strength

By Zach Fagenson and Gabriella Borter MIAMI (Reuters) - President Donald Trump cancelled a visit to Poland on Thursday and Florida's governor expanded a state of emergency to prepare for Hurricane Dorian, which is forecast to make landfall on the Atlantic coast Monday as a dangerous Category 4 storm.

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Trump may block $250 million in aid to Ukraine: officials

August 29, 2019 0
Trump may block $250 million in aid to Ukraine: officials

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is reviewing whether $250 million in military assistance should be sent to Ukraine in keeping with President Donald Trump's view that U.S. foreign aid must be justified, two senior administration officials said on Thursday

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North Korea changes constitution to solidify Kim Jong Un’s rule

August 29, 2019 0
North Korea changes constitution to solidify Kim Jong Un’s rule

By Josh Smith SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea's parliament has approved changes to the country's constitution to solidify leader Kim Jong Un's role as head of state, official state media said on Thursday. The move comes after Kim was formally named head of state and commander-in-chief of the military in a new constitution in July that analysts said was possibly aimed at preparing for a peace treaty with the United States.

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DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info

August 29, 2019 0
DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info

As fall begins in Alaska, wildfires linked to warming rage on

August 29, 2019 0
As fall begins in Alaska, wildfires linked to warming rage on

By Yereth Rosen SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - Leaves in Alaska are changing colour and the rainy season is supposed to begin, but wildfires are raging on in an unusually long and fierce fire season that scientists say is linked to the far north's long-term climate warmup.

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Epstein criminal case dismissed following his death, probe continues

August 29, 2019 0
Epstein criminal case dismissed following his death, probe continues

By Brendan Pierson NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday formally dismissed the criminal sex trafficking case against Jeffrey Epstein, as prosecutors continue to investigate whether co-conspirators helped the financier before his death this month. U.S

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Dell beats profit estimates on higher desktop sales; shares rise 9%

August 29, 2019 0
Dell beats profit estimates on higher desktop sales; shares rise 9%

(Reuters) - Dell Technologies Inc beat Wall Street profit estimates on Thursday, helped by higher demand for desktops, as well as a focus on more profitable contracts within its server unit in China, sending the company's shares up 9% in extended trading.

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Signs of new U.S.-China trade discussions emerge as increased tariffs loom

August 29, 2019 0
Signs of new U.S.-China trade discussions emerge as increased tariffs loom

By David Lawder and Stella Qiu WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China gave signs on Thursday that they will resume trade talks as the two economic superpowers discussed the next round of in-person negotiations in September ahead of a looming deadline for additional U.S. tariffs

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

KBC: जब कंटेस्टेंट ने चलाया अंधेरे में तीर, जीत लिए 6 लाख 40 हजार

August 28, 2019 0
KBC: जब कंटेस्टेंट ने चलाया अंधेरे में तीर, जीत लिए 6 लाख 40 हजार
अमिताभ बच्चन होस्टेड क्विज शो कौन बनेगा करोड़पति के बुधवार के एपिसोड में कंटेस्टेंट राजरानी भल्ला हॉट सीट पर बैठीं....

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शरणार्थी शिविरों में हजारों ब्रू परिवार, नहीं सुन रही सरकार

August 28, 2019 0
शरणार्थी शिविरों में हजारों ब्रू परिवार, नहीं सुन रही सरकार
मिजोरम सरकार चाहती थी कि ब्रू लोग जहां से विस्थापित हैं उन्हें वहीं बसाया जाए, कुल मिलाकर वो ब्रू जनजाति...

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25 दिन बाद जम्मू के पांच जिलों में शुरू की गई मोबाइल सेवाएं

August 28, 2019 0
25 दिन बाद जम्मू के पांच जिलों में शुरू की गई मोबाइल सेवाएं
जम्मू-कश्मीर के कुछ जिलों में आज से मोबाइल फोन सेवाएं शुरू कर दी गई हैं. 5 अगस्त से राज्य की...

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Pinterest will direct vaccine searches to major health groups

August 28, 2019 0
Pinterest will direct vaccine searches to major health groups

By Elizabeth Culliford (Reuters) - Pinterest Inc users searching for vaccine-related information will be shown results from leading public health groups, in an effort to combat health misinformation on the site, the social media company said in a blog post on Wednesday. The move is an aggressive effort to moderate content by the newly public social media company. Social media platforms have been increasingly under fire for promoting misleading and incorrect content, including by opponents of vaccination.

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U.S. warship sails near disputed South China Sea islands amid trade tensions

August 28, 2019 0
U.S. warship sails near disputed South China Sea islands amid trade tensions

By Idrees Ali WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea on Wednesday, the U.S. military said, a move likely to anger Beijing at a time of rising tensions between the world's two largest economies

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As maritime rows resurface, Duterte readies to raise ruling with China

August 28, 2019 0
As maritime rows resurface, Duterte readies to raise ruling with China

By Martin Petty MANILA (Reuters) - When Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte visits China this week, he'll need to salvage something from a "pivot" to Beijing that has left him empty-handed, and exposed his neighbours to a new level of brinkmanship in the South China Sea. Despite his huge domestic popularity and great affection for China, Duterte is under growing pressure to push back at its growing maritime assertiveness.

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China rotates new batch of troops into Hong Kong

August 28, 2019 0
China rotates new batch of troops into Hong Kong

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's military has rotated a new batch of troops into Hong Kong describing the move as routine, state media said on Thursday, as protests against Beijing continue to rock the Asian financial hub. Asian and Western diplomats in Hong Kong watching the People's Liberation Army (PLA) movements had been expecting a routine rotation about this time and will be looking closely for any sign of increased numbers or unusual activity. Hong Kong has been engulfed in angry and sometimes violent protests against the government for three months, sparked by a now-suspended extradition bill and concerns that Beijing was trying to bring the territory under greater mainland control

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Turkey’s Erdogan says won’t allow U.S. stalling in Syria deal

August 28, 2019 0
Turkey’s Erdogan says won’t allow U.S. stalling in Syria deal

By Daren Butler ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey's deal with the United States to set up a "safe zone" in northeast Syria was a correct step and that Ankara would not let Washington delay the plan, CNN Turk reported on Thursday. Ankara revealed last weekend that a joint operations centre for the proposed zone along Syria's northeastern border is now fully operational. [L5N25K0F1] Washington and Ankara have been at odds over plans for the region, where the Kurdish YPG militia form the main part of a U.S.-backed force fighting Islamic State

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Trump administration tightens citizenship rules for children of U.S. military abroad

August 28, 2019 0
Trump administration tightens citizenship rules for children of U.S. military abroad

(Reuters) - Children born to U.S. citizens stationed abroad as government employees or members of the U.S. military will no longer qualify for automatic American citizenship under a policy change unveiled on Wednesday by the Trump administration.

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Trump slams ‘corrupt’ Puerto Rico as Hurricane Dorian skirts island

August 28, 2019 0
Trump slams ‘corrupt’ Puerto Rico as Hurricane Dorian skirts island

By Andrew Hay (Reuters) - President Donald Trump lashed out at Puerto Rico on Wednesday, calling it "one of the most corrupt places on earth" before an approaching hurricane skirted the U.S. territory, stirring up memories of previous devastating storms. Puerto Rico is still struggling to recover from back-to-back hurricanes in 2017 that killed about 3,000 people soon after the island filed for bankruptcy

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U.S. warship sails near South China Sea islands claimed by China

August 28, 2019 0
U.S. warship sails near South China Sea islands claimed by China

By Idrees Ali WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea on Wednesday, the U.S. military said, a move likely to anger Beijing at a time of rising tensions between the world's two largest economies

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Bond yields near record lows, shares struggle on darkening global outlook

August 28, 2019 0
Bond yields near record lows, shares struggle on darkening global outlook

By Hideyuki Sano TOKYO (Reuters) - Global bond yields flirted with record low levels while stocks struggled to recover on Thursday as economic turbulence from intensifying U.S-China frictions and the spectre of a no-deal Brexit drove investors to safer harbours. MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was flat in early trade while Japan's Nikkei rose 0.14%

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Oil prices hold gains after U.S. inventory drawdown

August 28, 2019 0
Oil prices hold gains after U.S. inventory drawdown

Stocks to rise as rate cuts beat back trade worries for now – Reuters poll

August 28, 2019 0
Stocks to rise as rate cuts beat back trade worries for now – Reuters poll

By Vivek Mishra and Rahul Karunakar BENGALURU (Reuters) - World stocks will keep rising over the coming year, according to the latest Reuters polls of strategists, but wild gyrations are likely in the lift from expected central bank policy easing and drag from developments in the U.S.-China trade war. Fears of a global economic slowdown as the world's largest economies become more deeply locked in a tit-for-tat trade tariff war unnerved world stocks last year, with all the indexes polled by Reuters, barring India and Brazil, in the red in 2018

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UK car output slumps nearly 11% in July on weak export demand

August 28, 2019 0
UK car output slumps nearly 11% in July on weak export demand

LONDON (Reuters) - British new car production fell by an annual 10.6 percent in July, the 14th consecutive month of declines due to weak demand in EU and Asian markets and model changes, an industry body said on Thursday. Car demand has been hit by a number of factors in recent months including a slump in sales of diesel vehicles in Europe and weakening demand in China, the world's biggest automotive market. Last month, British car factories churned out 108,239 cars, hit by a 14.6% drop in exports, which account for four in five vehicles, whilst production for domestic demand rose 10.2%, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said

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Struggling jewellery maker Pandora to relaunch brand at LA event

August 28, 2019 0
Struggling jewellery maker Pandora to relaunch brand at LA event

By Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Pandora , the world's biggest jewellery maker, will relaunch its brand at an event in Los Angeles later on Wednesday as it tries to attract middle-class shoppers seeking affordable luxury back to its stores. The Denmark-based company, best known for its customisable silver charm bracelets, will completely revamp the design of its 2,700 shops worldwide, unveil a new logo, increase marketing campaigns featuring celebrities and launch themed collections, including Harry Potter and Walt Disney's Frozen

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U.S. judge rules for Regeneron, Sanofi in Amgen cholesterol drug patent fight

August 28, 2019 0
U.S. judge rules for Regeneron, Sanofi in Amgen cholesterol drug patent fight

Explainer: U.S. dollar intervention: What would it take?

August 28, 2019 0
Explainer: U.S. dollar intervention: What would it take?

By Saqib Iqbal Ahmed NEW YORK (Reuters) - The strength of the U.S. dollar has long been a thorn in President Donald Trump's side. That has put the almost unthinkable scenario of currency intervention up for debate in global foreign exchange circles

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PVH cuts profit and revenue forecast as tariffs, Hong Kong protests bite

August 28, 2019 0
PVH cuts profit and revenue forecast as tariffs, Hong Kong protests bite

Argentina to extend maturities of international bonds, IMF debt – Treasury minister

August 28, 2019 0
Argentina to extend maturities of international bonds, IMF debt – Treasury minister

By Eliana Raszewski and Hugh Bronstein BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina will negotiate with holders of its international bonds and the International Monetary Fund to extend the maturities of its debt obligations, as a way of ensuring the country's ability to pay, Treasury Minister Hernan Lacunza said on Wednesday.

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Factbox: South Korea’s top court ruling on Samsung heir and ex-president

August 28, 2019 0
Factbox: South Korea’s top court ruling on Samsung heir and ex-president

Samsung heir braces for top court ruling in ex-president bribery case

August 28, 2019 0
Samsung heir braces for top court ruling in ex-president bribery case

By Ju-min Park and Heekyong Yang SEOUL (Reuters) - Samsung Group will discover the fate of its de facto leader on Thursday as South Korea's Supreme Court rules whether to uphold the bribery conviction of Jay Y. Lee, in a scandal that unseated the president and trained public ire on corporate untouchables. The ruling will also determine how much Lee, 51, can focus on steering the group's flagship Samsung Electronics Co Ltd through falling profitability and Japanese export curbs on materials crucial for the world's leading chipmaker

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कांग्रेस नेता कुलदीप बिश्नोई के PA ने की आत्महत्या, जांच में जुटी पुलिस

August 28, 2019 0
कांग्रेस नेता कुलदीप बिश्नोई के PA ने की आत्महत्या, जांच में जुटी पुलिस
कांग्रेस विधायक कुलदीप बिश्नोई के पीए शिवकुमार ने आत्महत्या कर ली. शिवकुमार ने दिल्ली स्थित अपने फ्लैट पर जहरीला पदार्थ...

from आज तक

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SpaceX’s Mars rocket prototype rattles nerves of nearby residents in Texas flight test

August 27, 2019 0
SpaceX’s Mars rocket prototype rattles nerves of nearby residents in Texas flight test

By Joey Roulette (Reuters) - SpaceX test-launched an early prototype of the company's Mars rocket on Tuesday, rattling the nerves of people living near the Texas site and clearing another key hurdle in billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's interplanetary ambitions.

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Japan issues emergency warning after life-threatening rains in south

August 27, 2019 0
Japan issues emergency warning after life-threatening rains in south

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's meteorological agency issued an emergency warning to residents of Kyushu as the southern island suffered record levels of rain early on Wednesday that threatened to cause landslides, floods and other natural disasters.

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Explosions hit Gaza police checkpoints, three dead – officials

August 27, 2019 0
Explosions hit Gaza police checkpoints, three dead – officials

By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) - Explosions hit two police checkpoints in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing three officers and wounding several other Palestinians, the Hamas-run interior ministry said, declaring a state of emergency after the blasts. Such attacks on Hamas, which has the most powerful armed apparatus in the enclave, were rare.

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Chinese diplomat says Hong Kong facing worst crisis since 1997 handover

August 27, 2019 0
Chinese diplomat says Hong Kong facing worst crisis since 1997 handover

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi told a Hong Kong business delegation that more support should be given to the city's government to end violence that has evolved into the biggest crisis it has faced since the return to Chinese rule in 1997. Hong Kong has been engulfed in angry and sometimes violent protests against the government for three months, sparked by a now-suspended extradition bill and concerns that Beijing was trying to bring the territory under greater mainland control. Police fired water cannon and tear gas at anti-government demonstrators on Sunday, and Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam later warned that authorities would be forced to stamp down on the escalating violence

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Bimal Jalan panel says RBI can pay interim dividend to govt only under exceptional circumstances; recommends review of ECF every 5 years

August 27, 2019 0
Bimal Jalan panel says RBI can pay interim dividend to govt only under exceptional circumstances; recommends review of ECF every 5 years

Business group issues wake-up call on China’s corporate ‘social credit’ plan

August 27, 2019 0
Business group issues wake-up call on China’s corporate ‘social credit’ plan

By Michael Martina BEIJING (Reuters) - The rollout of China's controversial corporate "social credit system" is well under way and accelerating, a European business lobby in the country said on Wednesday, warning that foreign governments need to wake up to the plan's potential risks. Beijing has been developing a globally unprecedented plan to give companies and individual people "social credit" scores, a goal that has drawn international concerns that it could heighten to Orwellian levels the already strict control that the ruling Communist Party has over society and the economy. In a roadmap plan released in 2014, China said it would by 2020 create the system to reward or punish individuals and corporations using technology to record various measures of financial credit, personal behaviour and corporate misdeeds.

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Hyderabad FC Replaces Struggling FC Pune City as New ISL Franchise

August 27, 2019 0
Hyderabad FC Replaces Struggling FC Pune City as New ISL Franchise

Asian stocks find modest support on firmer U.S. futures

August 27, 2019 0
Asian stocks find modest support on firmer U.S. futures

By Stanley White TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares eked out meagre gains on Wednesday, as higher Wall Street futures provided some relief for investors after an overnight U.S. selloff, though deeper worries about the global economy are likely to keep a lid on sentiment.

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नहीं थम रहा बारिश का कहर, MP के सागर समेत कई जिलों में बाढ़ के हालात

August 27, 2019 0
नहीं थम रहा बारिश का कहर, MP के सागर समेत कई जिलों में बाढ़ के हालात
देश के बड़े हिस्से में बारिश का कहर जारी है. इसके नतीजे के तौर पर देश भर के कई इलाकों...

from आज तक

ट्रंप से PM मोदी की मुलाकात से गदगद शत्रुघ्न सिन्हा, बोले- तेरा जादू चल गया

August 27, 2019 0
ट्रंप से PM मोदी की मुलाकात से गदगद शत्रुघ्न सिन्हा, बोले- तेरा जादू चल गया
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी और अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप के बीच फ्रांस में हुई मुलाकात की हर ओर चर्चा है. पटना...

from आज तक

अनुच्छेद 370: अब कश्मीर में चलेगी भारतीय दंड संहिता, नहीं चलेगी RPC

August 27, 2019 0
अनुच्छेद 370: अब कश्मीर में चलेगी भारतीय दंड संहिता, नहीं चलेगी RPC
भारत के जम्मू कश्मीर राज्य में रणबीर दंड संहिता लागू थी. जिसे रणबीर आचार संहिता भी कहा जाता था. भारतीय...

from आज तक

Exclusive: Financial hit from 737 MAX will not slow appetite for services deals – Boeing CEO

August 27, 2019 0
Exclusive: Financial hit from 737 MAX will not slow appetite for services deals – Boeing CEO

By Eric M. Johnson EVERETT, Wash. (Reuters) - Boeing Co's chief executive said on Tuesday that the financial fallout from the grounding of its 737 MAX jetliner would not slow the world's largest planemaker's appetite for deals in the higher-margin aircraft services sector.

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अब जेल से बाहर नहीं आ पाएगा राम रहीम, HC ने लगा दी पत्नी को फटकार

August 27, 2019 0
अब जेल से बाहर नहीं आ पाएगा राम रहीम, HC ने लगा दी पत्नी को फटकार
हाई कोर्ट के इस इनकार ने राम रहीम के साथ-साथ उन तमाम नेताओं की उम्मीदों पर पानी फेर दिया, जो...

from आज तक

एयरस्पेस बंद कर कंगाल हो जाएगा पाकिस्तान, क्या झेल पाएंगे इमरान ?

August 27, 2019 0
एयरस्पेस बंद कर कंगाल हो जाएगा पाकिस्तान, क्या झेल पाएंगे इमरान ?
पाकिस्तान जम्मू-कश्मीर के मुद्दे पर अपनी हार पचा नहीं पा रहा है. इमरान खान सरकार में मंत्री फवाद चौधरी ने...

from आज तक

अमेठी में राम अवतार के परिजनों से मिलीं प्रियंका, पुलिस हिरासत में हुई थी मौत

August 27, 2019 0
अमेठी में राम अवतार के परिजनों से मिलीं प्रियंका, पुलिस हिरासत में हुई थी मौत
कांग्रेस की राष्ट्रीय महासचिव प्रियंका वाड्रा मंगलवार देर रात अचानक अमेठी पहुंचीं. यहां प्रियंका ने शिवरतनगंज थाना क्षेत्र के भिखारीपुर...

from आज तक

Brazil says open to aid for Amazon fires, but will decide how it’s used

August 27, 2019 0
Brazil says open to aid for Amazon fires, but will decide how it’s used

By Lisandra Paraguassu and Leonardo Benassatto BRASILIA/PORTO VELHO, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil said on Tuesday it was ready to accept foreign aid to help fight fires in the Amazon but only if it could determine how it was spent, in an apparent attempt to smooth over a public spat between the Brazilian and French presidents. The comments by presidential spokesman Rego Barros came after governors of states in the Brazilian Amazon told President Jair Bolsonaro that they needed the money to help fight the record wildfires in the world's largest tropical rainforest. "The Brazilian government, through its president, is open to receiving financial support from organizations and countries.

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Tropical Storm Dorian heads toward Puerto Rico, Dominican, expected to strengthen

August 27, 2019 0
Tropical Storm Dorian heads toward Puerto Rico, Dominican, expected to strengthen

BRIDGETOWN (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Dorian churned toward Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic on Tuesday and was expected to be close to hurricane strength when it nears the islands on Wednesday. In anticipation of the storm, Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez declared a state of emergency late on Monday for the U.S. territory, which was devastated in September 2017 by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

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Florida police blame staff neglect for post-hurricane nursing home deaths

August 27, 2019 0
Florida police blame staff neglect for post-hurricane nursing home deaths

By Zachary Fagenson MIAMI (Reuters) - A dozen Florida nursing home patients who died from sweltering heat during a 2017 post-hurricane power outage were victims of neglect by four caregivers jailed this week to face manslaughter charges, and more arrests are expected, police said on Tuesday. The former manager and three nurses who worked at the now-closed Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills, north of Miami, "failed to protect their patients and render aid when it was needed most," Hollywood Police Chief Chris O'Brien told a news conference, detailing the two-year investigation.

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हरियाणा: ढाई साल की बच्ची से रेप, आरोपी गिरफ्तार

August 27, 2019 0
हरियाणा: ढाई साल की बच्ची से रेप, आरोपी गिरफ्तार
हरियाणा के रेवाड़ी से एक ढाई साल की बच्ची के साथ कथित रेप का मामला सामने आया है. बच्ची के...

from आज तक

Virgin Australia to merge units, cut jobs as it swings to FY loss

August 27, 2019 0
Virgin Australia to merge units, cut jobs as it swings to FY loss

(Reuters) - Virgin Australia Holdings said on Wednesday it would merge three of its business divisions and cut 750 jobs, in a turnaround bid after swinging to an annual underlying loss due to higher fuel prices and a weaker currency. The company, which also appointed a new finance chief, said it will integrate the corporate, operational and commercial functions of Virgin Australia Airlines, Virgin Australia Regional Airlines and Tigerair Australia into "single functions and points of accountability". Virgin said it expects A$75 million in cost savings by the end of fiscal 2020 from the reduction of 750 corporate and head office roles.

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Third of UK’s top companies to cut executive pensions – investor body

August 27, 2019 0
Third of UK’s top companies to cut executive pensions – investor body

By Lena Masri LONDON (Reuters) - Nearly a third of the companies in Britain's FTSE 100 index of blue chip firms have agreed to cut pension payments for executives, the Investment Association said on Wednesday, amid increasing scrutiny of the gap between bosses' and ordinary workers' pensions in Britain. In February, the Investment Association, which represents big asset managers, said a company would be "red-topped" if it did not explicitly state that any new executive director would have pension contributions set in line with the majority of employees.

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UK employers want more staff, but fear shortages as Brexit nears – survey

August 27, 2019 0
UK employers want more staff, but fear shortages as Brexit nears – survey

LONDON (Reuters) - British employers plan to hire more staff even as they remain pessimistic about the economy in the run-up to Brexit, according to a survey published on Wednesday which showed no sign of a weakening of the strong labour market. But the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) said severe skill shortages remained, especially in the public sector, and the government's proposed restrictions on European Union workers after Brexit could make them worse. Hiring intentions improved for permanent staff in the short and medium term, the REC survey showed.

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Monday, August 26, 2019

RBI मोदी सरकार को देगी 1.76 लाख करोड़, सिंघवी बोले- अर्थव्यवस्था की हालत खराब

August 26, 2019 0
RBI मोदी सरकार को देगी 1.76 लाख करोड़, सिंघवी बोले- अर्थव्यवस्था की हालत खराब
अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी ने कहा कि इस पैसे के उपयोग को लेकर किसी योजना का खुलासा नहीं किया गया. अगर...

from आज तक

CM कमलनाथ की केंद्र को सलाह, नक्सल प्रभावित इलाकों मे दें 4G नेटवर्क

August 26, 2019 0
CM कमलनाथ की केंद्र को सलाह, नक्सल प्रभावित इलाकों मे दें 4G नेटवर्क
मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री कमलनाथ ने नक्सल प्रभावित इलाकों में कनेक्टिविटी को बेहतर बनाने पर केंद्र को सुझाव दिया. कमलनाथ ने...

from आज तक

As Narendra Modi deftly concludes successful G7 Summit visit, Pakistan would do well to read writing on the wall

August 26, 2019 0
As Narendra Modi deftly concludes successful G7 Summit visit, Pakistan would do well to read writing on the wall

Realme 5 with 48 MP camera, 5,000 mAh battery to go on sale today at 12 pm

August 26, 2019 0
Realme 5 with 48 MP camera, 5,000 mAh battery to go on sale today at 12 pm

Daily Bulletin: SC to hear Chidambaram’s plea against remand order; Jaishankar to begin two-day visit to Russia; day’s top stories

August 26, 2019 0
Daily Bulletin: SC to hear Chidambaram’s plea against remand order; Jaishankar to begin two-day visit to Russia; day’s top stories

Daily Bulletin: Supreme Court to hear former finance minister P Chidambaram's plea against remand order today; Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to visit Rae Bareli rail coach factory; day's top stories

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Xiaomi Mi A3 to go on sale today at 12 pm: Launch offers, pricing, specifications

August 26, 2019 0
Xiaomi Mi A3 to go on sale today at 12 pm: Launch offers, pricing, specifications

Eggs from last pair of northern white rhinos in the world fertilised artificially

August 26, 2019 0
Eggs from last pair of northern white rhinos in the world fertilised artificially

कश्मीर पर मोदी सरकार के फैसले के खिलाफ शाह फैसल पहुंचे SC, सुनवाई कल

August 26, 2019 0
कश्मीर पर मोदी सरकार के फैसले के खिलाफ शाह फैसल पहुंचे SC, सुनवाई कल
जम्मू-कश्मीर से अनुच्छेद 370 को पंगु किए जाने और राज्य को दो हिस्सों में बांटने के खिलाफ फिर से सुप्रीम...

from आज तक

अखिलेश सिंह को श्रद्धांजलि देने रायबरेली जाएंगी प्रियंका, CM योगी का भी दौरा

August 26, 2019 0
अखिलेश सिंह को श्रद्धांजलि देने रायबरेली जाएंगी प्रियंका, CM योगी का भी दौरा
प्रियंका गांधी यहां रेल कोच फैक्ट्री जाकर उसके निजीकरण के खिलाफ संघर्ष कर रहे कर्मचारियों से मुलाकात करेंगी. कांग्रेस पार्टी...

from आज तक

इंस्टाग्राम में ये कमी पकड़कर चेन्नई के रिसर्चर ने जीते 10 हजार डॉलर

August 26, 2019 0
इंस्टाग्राम में ये कमी पकड़कर चेन्नई के रिसर्चर ने जीते 10 हजार डॉलर
चेन्नई के रहने वाले सिक्योरिटी रिसर्चर लक्ष्मण मुथैया ने युवाओं के बीच काफी लोकप्रिय सोशल नेटवर्किंग ऐप इंस्ट्राग्राम में एक...

from आज तक

'विजय यात्रा' से वापस लौटे PM मोदी, 3 देशों में बढ़ाया भारत का मान

August 26, 2019 0
'विजय यात्रा' से वापस लौटे PM मोदी, 3 देशों में बढ़ाया भारत का मान
भारत के लिहाज से कूटनीतिक तौर पर पीएम मोदी का यह दौरा काफी अहम रहा. एक तरफ जहां पीएम मोदी...

from आज तक

हनीप्रीत को जेल में ही रहना होगा, जमानत पर सुनवाई से HC का इनकार

August 26, 2019 0
हनीप्रीत को जेल में ही रहना होगा, जमानत पर सुनवाई से HC का इनकार
डेरा सच्चा सौदा के प्रमुख गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह इंसा की खासमखास रही हनीप्रीत अभी जेल से बाहर नहीं आ...

from आज तक

Jet Airways stake sale: Lenders of bankrupt airline give third extension for EoI to 31 Aug

August 26, 2019 0
Jet Airways stake sale: Lenders of bankrupt airline give third extension for EoI to 31 Aug

Exclusive: Brazil’s Petrobras refineries sale lures trading cos, PetroChina, Saudi Aramco – sources

August 26, 2019 0
Exclusive: Brazil’s Petrobras refineries sale lures trading cos, PetroChina, Saudi Aramco – sources

By Tatiana Bautzer and Rodrigo Viga Gaier SAO PAULO/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazil's planned privatisation of eight Petroleo Brasileiro SA refineries has lured several of the world's largest trading and oil companies as prospective bidders, two sources with knowledge of the matter said. Around 20 companies have signed non-disclosure agreements granting them access to the refineries' data and signalling that they are considering a bid, the sources added, speaking on condition of anonymity to disclose private details of the sale.

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Asia stocks, bond yields rise as trade war fears ease

August 26, 2019 0
Asia stocks, bond yields rise as trade war fears ease

INX Media case: P Chidambaram to remain in CBI custody till 30 Aug; Supreme Court extends protection from ED arrest till today

August 26, 2019 0
INX Media case: P Chidambaram to remain in CBI custody till 30 Aug; Supreme Court extends protection from ED arrest till today

Senior Congress leader and former finance minister P Chidambaram will be subjected to custodial interrogation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for another four days as a Delhi court sent him to the agency's custody till 30 August in the INX Media case

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Oil rises after Trump says China trade deal likely

August 26, 2019 0
Oil rises after Trump says China trade deal likely

Ferdinand Piech, architect of VW’s global expansion, dies aged 82 – Bild

August 26, 2019 0
Ferdinand Piech, architect of VW’s global expansion, dies aged 82 – Bild

By Edward Taylor FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Ferdinand Piech, Volkswagen AG's former chairman and chief executive, who transformed the German company from a struggling midsized carmaker into a global automotive powerhouse, has died, German tabloid Bild said on Monday. Piech, 82, died on Sunday in Rosenheim, Bavaria, the German tabloid said, without citing sources. A representative for the Piech and Porsche families, who still control a majority stake in Volkswagen through their family holding company Porsche SE, had no immediate comment

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J&J liable for $572 million in Oklahoma opioid epidemic trial; shares rise

August 26, 2019 0
J&J liable for $572 million in Oklahoma opioid epidemic trial; shares rise

By Heide Brandes and Nate Raymond NORMAN, Okla./BOSTON (Reuters) - An Oklahoma judge on Monday ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $572.1 million to the state for its part in fuelling an opioid epidemic by deceptively marketing addictive painkillers, a sum that was substantially less than investors had expected, driving up J&J's shares. The state's attorney general had filed the lawsuit, seeking $17 billion to address the impact of the drug crisis on Oklahoma.

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म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेश का बेहतर मौका, सिर्फ 500 में शुरू करें SIP

August 26, 2019 0
म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेश का बेहतर मौका, सिर्फ 500 में शुरू करें SIP
महंगाई के इस दौर में हर कोई अमीर बनना चाहता है. लेकिन अमीर बनने का कोई शॉर्टकट तरीका नहीं है....

from आज तक

हॉस्टल की दुर्व्यवस्था से नाराज BHU IIT की छात्राओं ने किया प्रदर्शन

August 26, 2019 0
हॉस्टल की दुर्व्यवस्था से नाराज BHU IIT की छात्राओं ने किया प्रदर्शन
बनारस हिंदू यूनिवर्सिटी इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी (बीएचयू आईआईटी) की छात्राओं ने सोमवार रात अपने डायरेक्टर का आवास घेरा. छात्राओं...

from आज तक

परमाणु धमकी के बीच पाकिस्तानी एयरस्पेस से वतन वापस लौटे पीएम मोदी

August 26, 2019 0
परमाणु धमकी के बीच पाकिस्तानी एयरस्पेस से वतन वापस लौटे पीएम मोदी
फ्रांस के बिआरित्ज में हुई G-7 की बैठक में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कश्मीर मसले पर ऐसा ट्रंप कार्ड चला...

from आज तक