February 2020 - News Daily



Saturday, February 29, 2020

Premier League: Liverpool’s unbeaten dream run ends in shock 3-0 thrashing at Watford

February 29, 2020 0
Premier League: Liverpool’s unbeaten dream run ends in shock 3-0 thrashing at Watford

शाहीन बाग में धारा 144 लागू, ढाई महीने से चल रहा है CAA के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन

February 29, 2020 0
शाहीन बाग में धारा 144 लागू, ढाई महीने से चल रहा है CAA के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन

नागरिकता कानून के खिलाफ शाहीन बाग में जारी विरोध प्रदर्शनों के बीच शाहीन बाग में धारा 144 लागू कर दी...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2PCdse0

'ममता' पर कहर, एक साथ जन्मे 6 बच्चे, 5 की मौत, एक की हालत गंभीर

February 29, 2020 0
'ममता' पर कहर, एक साथ जन्मे 6 बच्चे, 5 की मौत, एक की हालत गंभीर
मध्य प्रदेश के श्योरपुर सरकारी अस्पताल में एक महिला ने 6 बच्चों को जन्म दिया था, जिनमें से 2...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2TcWR2w

माधुरी कानित्कर बनीं तीसरी महिला लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल, ये होगी जिम्मेदारी

February 29, 2020 0
माधुरी कानित्कर बनीं तीसरी महिला लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल, ये होगी जिम्मेदारी
सर्जन और वाइस एडमिरल और भारतीय नौसेना की पूर्व थ्री स्टार फ्लैग ऑफिसर डॉ. पुनिता अरोड़ा पहली महिला अफसर...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/32DNo7C

तमिलनाडु: AIADMK से निष्कासित सांसद शशिकला BJP में शामिल

February 29, 2020 0
तमिलनाडु: AIADMK से निष्कासित सांसद शशिकला BJP में शामिल
तमिलनाडु की राजनीति में शनिवार को बड़ा उलटफेर हुआ. राज्यसभा सांसद शशिकला पुष्पा ने आखिरकार बीजेपी ज्वाइन कर ली...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3ciLQEw

ISL 2019-20: Sunil Chhetri Back from Injury Lay-off as Bengaluru FC Host ATK in Semi-final 1st Leg

February 29, 2020 0
ISL 2019-20: Sunil Chhetri Back from Injury Lay-off as Bengaluru FC Host ATK in Semi-final 1st Leg
Indian Super League 2019-20: Defending champions Bengaluru FC will host two-time winners ATK in the first leg of their semi-final.

from Top Football News- News18.com https://ift.tt/3akzOZF

I-League: TRAU FC Face Big Mohun Bagan Test as They Look to Snap 5-Game Winless Run at Home

February 29, 2020 0
I-League: TRAU FC Face Big Mohun Bagan Test as They Look to Snap 5-Game Winless Run at Home

NewsWrap: पढ़ें- रविवार सुबह की 5 बड़ी खबरें

February 29, 2020 0
NewsWrap: पढ़ें- रविवार सुबह की 5 बड़ी खबरें
दिल्ली हिंसा पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा कि मैं बहुत चिंतित हूं कि जहां घटना...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3895a3W

क्या एक था टाइगर के जरिए फिर दहाड़ेंगे सलमान, ट्रेंड किया #Tiger3

February 29, 2020 0
क्या एक था टाइगर के जरिए फिर दहाड़ेंगे सलमान, ट्रेंड किया #Tiger3
क्या तीन साल बाद फिर वापसी करेगा टाइगर? क्या फिर सलमान खान का ताबड़तोड़ एक्शन देखने को मिलेगा? ट्विटर पर...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2T8Bmjs

कुंडली भाग्य फेम श्रद्धा आर्या संग हिना का टॉवल डांस, Video वायरल

February 29, 2020 0
कुंडली भाग्य फेम श्रद्धा आर्या संग हिना का टॉवल डांस, Video वायरल
वीडियो में श्रद्धा आर्या और हिना परमार बाथरोब पहने डांस करते देखी जा सकती हैं. उन्होंने दिव्या कुमार खोसला के...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/39cscYX

यूपी में बड़ी फेरबदल, 12 IPS अफसरों के तबादले

February 29, 2020 0
यूपी में बड़ी फेरबदल, 12 IPS अफसरों के तबादले

उत्तर प्रदेश की योगी आदित्यनाथ सरकार ने प्रशासनिक स्तर पर बड़ी फेरबदल की है. यूपी में 12 भारतीय पुलिस सेवा(आईपीएस)...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2x0nhvZ

दिल्ली में नाकाम रही पुलिस, अल्पसंख्यकों पर जुल्म हुआ: अमर्त्य सेन

February 29, 2020 0
दिल्ली में नाकाम रही पुलिस, अल्पसंख्यकों पर जुल्म हुआ: अमर्त्य सेन
Delhi Violence: दिल्ली हिंसा पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा कि मैं बहुत चिंतित हूं कि...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2PyTGjO

दिल्ली हिंसा: अमन के दूत बने सिख पिता-पुत्र, 70 मुसलमानों को भीड़ से बचाया

February 29, 2020 0
दिल्ली हिंसा: अमन के दूत बने सिख पिता-पुत्र, 70 मुसलमानों को भीड़ से बचाया
दिल्ली के उत्तर-पूर्वी इलाके में जब हिंसा भड़की हुई थी उस वक्त दो सिखों ने अपनी जान की परवाह ना...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2PAVYPi

बिग बॉस 14 में होंगी जैस्मिन भसीन? एक्ट्रेस ने दिया ये जवाब

February 29, 2020 0
बिग बॉस 14 में होंगी जैस्मिन भसीन? एक्ट्रेस ने दिया ये जवाब
बिग बॉस 13 सिद्धार्थ शुक्ला ने जीत लिया है. उनकी जीत में बड़ा हाथ उनके फैंस का भी है जिन्होंने...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3ckoDSt

उमर रियाज ने भाई आसिम संग हिमांशी खुराना के रिश्ते को दी हरी झंडी

February 29, 2020 0
उमर रियाज ने भाई आसिम संग हिमांशी खुराना के रिश्ते को दी हरी झंडी
शो से पहले उमर रियाज ने किसी भी महिला के साथ भाई आसिम रियाज के रिलेशन को गलत बताया था....

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3cm9Aru

LIVE: दिल्ली में हिंसा कंट्रोल, उपद्रवियों पर एक्शन के लिए 167 FIR, ताहिर फरार

February 29, 2020 0
LIVE: दिल्ली में हिंसा कंट्रोल, उपद्रवियों पर एक्शन के लिए 167 FIR, ताहिर फरार
आर्म्स एक्ट के तहत 36 केस दर्ज हुए हैं. अब तक हिरासत में और गिरफ्तार किए गए लोगों की संख्या...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2uLgUMm

दिल्ली हिंसा: मुआवजे का मरहम, आज से पीड़ित परिवारों को मिलेगी मदद

February 29, 2020 0
दिल्ली हिंसा: मुआवजे का मरहम, आज से पीड़ित परिवारों को मिलेगी मदद
Delhi violence: केजरीवाल सरकार ने हिंसा पीड़ितों को सहायता राशि देने के लिए एक फॉर्म जारी किया है. इस...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2vuQFtL

फांसी से पहले निर्भया के दोषियों के 3 बड़े कानूनी पैंतरे, 3 मार्च को होनी है फांसी

February 29, 2020 0
फांसी से पहले निर्भया के दोषियों के 3 बड़े कानूनी पैंतरे, 3 मार्च को होनी है फांसी
पटियाला हाउस कोर्ट ने तीसरी बार डेथ वारंट जारी किया है, जिसके तहत निर्भया के दोषियों को 3 मार्च...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2vrQjEl

किसान की खुदकुशी पर बोले BJP सांसद-प्रेशर में उनका दिमाग काम नहीं किया

February 29, 2020 0
किसान की खुदकुशी पर बोले BJP सांसद-प्रेशर में उनका दिमाग काम नहीं किया
एक तरफ सांसद मृतक के परिजनों से मिलकर मजिस्ट्रेट जांच करवाने का आश्वासन दे रहे हैं तो दूसरी तरफ कर्ज...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2PzoErQ

Not Invincibles: Liverpool's 44-game Unbeaten Run Ends With 3-0 Thrashing at Watford

February 29, 2020 0
Not Invincibles: Liverpool's 44-game Unbeaten Run Ends With 3-0 Thrashing at Watford

Slovak opposition party OLANO takes lead in election – partial results

February 29, 2020 0
Slovak opposition party OLANO takes lead in election – partial results

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovak opposition party Ordinary People (OLANO) took the lead in the EU country's parliamentary election, results from one third of voting districts showed on Sunday. The partial results showed the anti-corruption movement OLANO winning 23.7% of the vote, followed by the ruling centre-left Smer party with 20.6%. (Reporting by Jan Lopatka and Tomas Mrva; Editing by Leslie Adler)

The post Slovak opposition party OLANO takes lead in election – partial results appeared first on Firstpost.

from Firstpost https://ift.tt/32CO2SV

हॉलीवुड फिल्मों में काम करने पर आया दीपिका का रिएक्शन, कही ये बात

February 29, 2020 0
हॉलीवुड फिल्मों में काम करने पर आया दीपिका का रिएक्शन, कही ये बात
हॉलीवुड फिल्मों में काम करने को लेकर बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस दीपिका पादुकोण ने कहा है कि वे हमेशा हॉलीवुड की फिल्मों...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3cmCkjB

Slovak opposition party OLANO takes wide lead in election – exit poll

February 29, 2020 0
Slovak opposition party OLANO takes wide lead in election – exit poll

By tomas mrva and Jan Lopatka BRATISLAVA - Slovak opposition movement Ordinary People (OLANO) took a strong lead in the EU country's parliamentary election, an exit poll released by TV Markiza showed on Saturday. The poll was in line with forecasts that voters in the central European country were poised to oust the ruling centre-left Smer party, which has dominated Slovakia's political landscape for more than a decade, amid growing anger over high-level graft and the murder of an investigative journalist. The poll by the Focus agency showed OLANO winning 25.8% of the vote, followed by Smer with 14.9%

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/3a8TQGm

Friday, February 28, 2020

दक्षिण कोरिया में कोरोना वायरस का कहर, 594 नए मामले आए सामने

February 28, 2020 0
दक्षिण कोरिया में कोरोना वायरस का कहर, 594 नए मामले आए सामने

दक्षिण कोरिया में 594 नए मामले आए हैं. दक्षिण कोरिया में कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण से ग्रस्त मरीजों की संख्या 2,931...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3cgfCd3

राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट की बैठक आज, भूमिपूजन का मुहूर्त निकलने की उम्मीद

February 28, 2020 0
राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट की बैठक आज, भूमिपूजन का मुहूर्त निकलने की उम्मीद
राम मंदिर निर्माण समिति के प्रमुख और प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के प्रधान सचिव रह चुके नृपेन्द्र मिश्रा शनिवार को अयोध्या...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3ac6wMD

I'm Not Going to Show all my Tricks in IPL: Tom Curran

February 28, 2020 0
I'm Not Going to Show all my Tricks in IPL: Tom Curran
Rajasthan will also have two top England cricketers in Jos Buttler and Ben Stokes and Curran said it helps to have familiar faces around in a hectic tournament like the IPL.

from Top CricketNext News- News18.com https://ift.tt/382POhi

ICC T20 World Cup | Pakistan Captain Bismah Maroof Ruled Out of World Cup With Injury

February 28, 2020 0
ICC T20 World Cup | Pakistan Captain Bismah Maroof Ruled Out of World Cup With Injury

Family Support for Australia's Marnus Labuschagne in South Africa

February 28, 2020 0
Family Support for Australia's Marnus Labuschagne in South Africa
Labuschagne was outstanding in Test cricket in 2019 after replacing Steve Smith as a concussion substitute during the second Ashes Test against England at Lord's.

from Top CricketNext News- News18.com https://ift.tt/2Vvv3bt

Mark Boucher Wants Bowlers to Ease Pressure on South Africa Batsmen

February 28, 2020 0
Mark Boucher Wants Bowlers to Ease Pressure on South Africa Batsmen
Paarl will present a different challenge for the sides on Saturday, with high winds predicted at a ground that is one of the biggest in South Africa in terms of pitch size.

from Top CricketNext News- News18.com https://ift.tt/2PChcfM

Premier League: Iheanacho's Goal Disallowed, Lewis Scores in 70th Minute as Norwich Beat Leicester

February 28, 2020 0
Premier League: Iheanacho's Goal Disallowed, Lewis Scores in 70th Minute as Norwich Beat Leicester

S&P falls for seventh day, suffers biggest weekly plunge since 2008 crisis

February 28, 2020 0
S&P falls for seventh day, suffers biggest weekly plunge since 2008 crisis

By Sinéad Carew New York (Reuters) - The S&P 500 fell for the seventh straight day on Friday and the benchmark index suffered its biggest weekly drop since the 2008 global financial crisis on growing fears the fast-spreading coronavirus could push the economy into recession, although stocks regained some ground right at the end of a volatile session. The Dow and the Nasdaq also registered their deepest weekly percentage losses since October 2008. The Nasdaq managed to eke out an 0.01% gain after plunging as much as 3.5% during the session

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2TvC9u2

Wall Street in coronavirus contingency mode with staff, visitors, regulators

February 28, 2020 0
Wall Street in coronavirus contingency mode with staff, visitors, regulators

By Michelle Price and Imani Moise WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Big U.S. banks have been rolling out contingency plans to respond to the global coronavirus outbreak - requiring some staff to work from home, implementing travel restrictions, and talking to regulators about potential stresses.

The post Wall Street in coronavirus contingency mode with staff, visitors, regulators appeared first on Firstpost.

from Firstpost https://ift.tt/3akN5S1

आज बुंदेलखंड में PM मोदी करेंगे 296 KM लंबे एक्सप्रेस-वे का शिलान्यास

February 28, 2020 0
आज बुंदेलखंड में PM मोदी करेंगे 296 KM लंबे एक्सप्रेस-वे का शिलान्यास
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी बुंदेलखंड एक्सप्रेस-वे का शिलान्यास करने जा रहे हैं. इस एक्सप्रेस-वे से न सिर्फ स्थानीय लोगों को फायदा...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/39bfHN8

राज्यसभा चुनाव से पहले गुजरात में विधायकों के जोड़तोड़ का खेल, 26 मार्च को वोटिंग

February 28, 2020 0
राज्यसभा चुनाव से पहले गुजरात में विधायकों के जोड़तोड़ का खेल, 26 मार्च को वोटिंग
गुजरात विधानसभा में चर्चा के दौरान सूबे के गृह राज्‍यमंत्री प्रदीप सिंह जडेजा ने कांग्रेस के विधायकों से कहा कि...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2I7lHe8

Wall St. bounce too little, too late as world stocks post shock weekly decline

February 28, 2020 0
Wall St. bounce too little, too late as world stocks post shock weekly decline

By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) - Coronavirus panic sent world stock markets tumbling again on Friday, with an index of global stocks setting its largest weekly fall since the 2008 global financial crisis, and over $5 trillion wiped from global market value this week. U.S

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2TbtAWi

Wall St. bounce to little, to late as world stocks post shock weekly decline

February 28, 2020 0
Wall St. bounce to little, to late as world stocks post shock weekly decline

By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) - Coronavirus panic sent world stock markets tumbling again on Friday, with an index of global stocks setting its largest weekly fall since the 2008 global financial crisis, and over $5 trillion wiped from global market value this week. U.S. stocks shaved most of the day's losses late in the New York session but only the Nasdaq eked out a positive close

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2PyuPfE

Goldman Sachs Asset Management added to stocks portfolio as markets tumbled

February 28, 2020 0
Goldman Sachs Asset Management added to stocks portfolio as markets tumbled

By Elizabeth Dilts Marshall (Reuters) - Portfolio managers at Goldman Sachs Asset Management have used the recent selloff in global stocks caused by the coronavirus as an opportunity to take positions in a range of companies focusing on everything from concerts to cosmetics. As stocks tumbled to their worst weekly performance since the financial crisis, the firm's $60 billion portfolios bought shares of Japanese cosmetics-maker Shiseido Co Ltd and events promoter Live Nation Entertainment , as well as companies in the travel and hotel sector, Katie Koch, Goldman Sachs' global co-head of equities for its asset management business, said in an interview with Reuters. "We recognize the seriousness (of the coronavirus concerns), and we would never celebrate a sell off of this magnitude," she said

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2uDyiCw

Coronavirus outbreak rains on dealmakers’ M&A parade

February 28, 2020 0
Coronavirus outbreak rains on dealmakers’ M&A parade

By Joshua Franklin and Krystal Hu NEW YORK (Reuters) - The steep market drop triggered by the global coronavirus outbreak has led many companies to hit the 'pause' button on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), sabotaging the hopes of corporate advisers who expected a dealmaking bonanza this year. While M&A volumes have not yet registered the effect of this week's market volatility, dealmakers say some clients are stepping back from signing deals after the S&P 500 Index dropped 11.5% from its all-time high in the last five days

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/38b9OhC

USTR vows to push for trade deals with Britain, EU; seeks broader reset at WTO

February 28, 2020 0
USTR vows to push for trade deals with Britain, EU; seeks broader reset at WTO

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday said it would focus on concluding trade agreements with Britain, the European Union and Kenya over the coming year, while strictly enforcing trade laws and pushing for a broader reset of the World Trade Organization.

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/387Ilxp

सोनभद्र: पत्थर की खदान धंसी, 2 घायल मजदूर निकाले गए, कई अभी भी फंसे

February 28, 2020 0
सोनभद्र: पत्थर की खदान धंसी, 2 घायल मजदूर निकाले गए, कई अभी भी फंसे
सोनभद्र में एक पत्थर की खदान के धंस जाने से मलबे के नीचे कई मजदूरों के दबे होने की आशंका...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/32BU5ah

Exclusive: U.S. postpones summit with ASEAN leaders amid coronavirus fears – sources

February 28, 2020 0
Exclusive: U.S. postpones summit with ASEAN leaders amid coronavirus fears – sources

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will postpone a meeting with leaders of Southeast Asian countries it planned to host on March 14 amid concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, two U.S. officials familiar with the matter said on Friday. U.S

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Slovaks poised to oust ruling Smer party in election clouded by graft

February 28, 2020 0
Slovaks poised to oust ruling Smer party in election clouded by graft

By tomas mrva BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Voters look poised to oust the centre-left Smer party that has dominated Slovakia's political landscape for more than a decade in a national election on Saturday overshadowed by anger over high-level graft. Opinion polls ahead of a two-week moratorium before the ballot pointed to a rapid rise for anti-corruption movement Ordinary People (OLANO), increasing chances it may form a centre-right majority with smaller conservative and liberal parties to outmanoeuvre Smer

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Tenth coronavirus case confirmed in California – county health officials

February 28, 2020 0
Tenth coronavirus case confirmed in California – county health officials

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A tenth case of coronavirus has been confirmed in California, health officials from Santa Clara County said on Friday.The county's top health official said she would provide further information at a news conference later on Friday afternoon. It was the third confirmed case of coronavirus in the county, which includes the Silicon Valley tech hub. (Reporting by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Sandra Maler)

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Trump says nominating congressman Ratcliffe to be national intelligence director

February 28, 2020 0
Trump says nominating congressman Ratcliffe to be national intelligence director

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he was nominating Republican Representative John Ratcliffe as director of national intelligence. It is the second time Trump has nominated Ratcliffe to be the U.S.

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Guinea delays disputed referendum that could extend veteran Conde’s rule

February 28, 2020 0
Guinea delays disputed referendum that could extend veteran Conde’s rule

By Saliou Samb CONAKRY (Reuters) - Guinea's President Alpha Conde has delayed Sunday's constitutional referendum and legislative polls for two weeks because of concerns raised by international observers about the electoral roll, he told state television late on Friday. Earlier this week, the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, an organisation of French-speaking governments, withdrew its poll-monitoring mission, citing the presence of 2.49 million "problematic" entries on the electoral register. The claim increased pressure on Conde, 81, who many fear is holding a referendum on the constitution just so he can extend his rule for 12 more years, despite the risk of mass unrest and a major dent in the health of Guinea's mining economy.

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Trump willing to meet leaders of Russia, China, Britain, France on arms control

February 28, 2020 0
Trump willing to meet leaders of Russia, China, Britain, France on arms control

By Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is willing to meet the leaders of Russia, China, Britain and France with the aim of discussing arms control, a senior administration official said on Friday. Trump wants to use such a meeting of the U.N

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Delhi HC to hear plea seeking FIR against Sonia, Rahul, Priyanka, other politicians for alleged hate speech today

February 27, 2020 0
Delhi HC to hear plea seeking FIR against Sonia, Rahul, Priyanka, other politicians for alleged hate speech today

The Delhi High Court is scheduled to hear on Friday a plea seeking lodging of an FIR against Congress President Sonia Gandhi, ex-president Rahul Gandhi, party general secretary Priyanka Vadra and others for allegedly giving hate speeches

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Chinese regulators remove game "Plague Inc" from China app stores, developer says

February 27, 2020 0
Chinese regulators remove game "Plague Inc" from China app stores, developer says

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Strategy simulation game "Plague Inc.", which surged in popularity in China when the coronavirus epidemic first started, has been removed from the China app store after regulators said it contained illegal content, its developer said on Thursday. The game, which allows users to create and evolve a pathogen to destroy the world, soared to the top of the charts of Apple's China app store in January, as players turned to disaster-themed content as a coping mechanism.

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China appoints new deputy party secretary in Shanghai

February 27, 2020 0
China appoints new deputy party secretary in Shanghai

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's Communist Party's ruling Central Committee named a new deputy party secretary for Shanghai on Friday, after the previous deputy party secretary Ying Yong was transferred to head Hubei province to lead the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

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German states report total of 22 new coronavirus cases

February 27, 2020 0
German states report total of 22 new coronavirus cases

DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - Six western German states reported a total of 22 new cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, a day after the federal health minister said the country is at the start of an epidemic. In North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state, the health ministry said 14 more people tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday in the Heinsberg area, where a couple were the first confirmed cases in the state.

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Republicans’ ‘Operation Chaos’ seeks to undermine South Carolina’s Democratic primary

February 27, 2020 0
Republicans’ ‘Operation Chaos’ seeks to undermine South Carolina’s Democratic primary

On the trail: Biden consolidates black voter support; Democrats attack Trump on coronavirus

February 27, 2020 0
On the trail: Biden consolidates black voter support; Democrats attack Trump on coronavirus

By Joseph Ax and Jason Lange ORANGEBURG, S.C./HOUSTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopefuls spread out across South Carolina on Thursday as the clock ticked down to the state's Saturday primary election: their first big test with African-American voters. Several candidates also headed to some of the Super Tuesday regions, the 14-state March 3 contest that offers the largest single-day haul of delegates in the Democratic Party's White House nominating battle. Here's what's happening Thursday: BIDEN MAINTAINS LEAD WITH BLACK SUPPORT A Monmouth University poll released on Thursday showed former Vice President Joe Biden with large support from black South Carolina voters, who make up about 60% of the Democratic electorate in the Southern state.

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Police identify victims, shooter in Milwaukee brewery shooting rampage

February 27, 2020 0
Police identify victims, shooter in Milwaukee brewery shooting rampage

By Brendan O'Brien MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Police in Milwaukee on Thursday identified the five brewery employees shot and killed by a co-worker who later took his own life in the latest spasm of gun violence plaguing U.S. workplaces and schools.

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Global funds cut equity exposure in February, suggest increase in bond holdings instead over fears of coronavirus risk: Report

February 27, 2020 0
Global funds cut equity exposure in February, suggest increase in bond holdings instead over fears of coronavirus risk: Report

The findings come as major indexes on Wall Street look set for their steepest weekly plunge since the global financial crisis more than a decade ago, as rising numbers of new coronavirus infections outside China increase fears of a pandemic.

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Global funds cut equity exposure in turbulent February, eye virus risk – Reuters Poll

February 27, 2020 0
Global funds cut equity exposure in turbulent February, eye virus risk – Reuters Poll

By Rahul Karunakar BENGALURU (Reuters) - Global funds changed course in February and recommended a cut to equity allocations in their model balanced portfolio after taking them to a two-year high in January, instead suggesting an increase in bond holdings, Reuters polls showed. The findings come as major indexes on Wall Street look set for their steepest weekly plunge since the global financial crisis more than a decade ago, as rising numbers of new coronavirus infections outside China increase fears of a pandemic. "At present we feel it is appropriate to err on the side of caution until the scale and impact of the virus, and the longer-term economic implications, are slightly better understood and quantifiable than they are today," said Mark Robinson, chief investment officer at Bordier & Cie UK.

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Tanker plane that crashed in Australia hit ground after low fire retardant drop – preliminary report

February 27, 2020 0
Tanker plane that crashed in Australia hit ground after low fire retardant drop – preliminary report

By Jamie Freed SYDNEY (Reuters) - A C-130 tanker plane that crashed and killed all three Americans on board while fighting fires in Australia last month hit the ground shortly after making a two-second fire retardant drop at an altitude of 200 feet, investigators said on Friday.

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British police issue safety warning over Greta Thunberg rally

February 27, 2020 0
British police issue safety warning over Greta Thunberg rally

LONDON (Reuters) - Police have issued a safety warning over a climate protest rally in the southwestern city of Bristol on Friday which will be addressed by teenage activist Greta Thunberg. The event has been organised by the Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate group, part of a global movement of school students who stage protests in school time over what they say is the lack of government action on climate change. Organisers say they expect between 15,000 and 60,000 protesters from across the country to attend.

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‘I could fall to my death:’ tightrope walker Wallenda readies to cross active volcano

February 27, 2020 0
‘I could fall to my death:’ tightrope walker Wallenda readies to cross active volcano

(Reuters) - Tightrope walker Nik Wallenda fears the worst-possible outcome as he prepares for his latest high wire act - trekking across a live volcano in Nicaragua on Wednesday. "I could fall to my death." But the 41-year old member of the seven-generation family of daredevils, The Flying Wallendas, is taking it in stride.

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Pandemic fears send investors running as Wall St. confirms correction

February 27, 2020 0
Pandemic fears send investors running as Wall St. confirms correction

By Sinéad Carew New York (Reuters) - Wall Street's main indexes plunged on Thursday for the sixth straight session, with the S&P 500 confirming its fastest correction in history as the rapid global spread of coronavirus intensified worries about economic growth. The S&P 500 finished 12% below its Feb. 19 record close, marking its fastest correction ever in just six trading days.

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Confidence returning for UK consumers and companies – surveys

February 27, 2020 0
Confidence returning for UK consumers and companies – surveys

LONDON (Reuters) - Confidence among British consumers hit its highest level in 18 months in February, and there were fresh signs that companies have also become more positive since December's election, surveys showed. Market research firm GfK's index of consumer confidence rose to -7 in February from -9 in January, its strongest since August 2018 and a touch higher than the median forecast of -8 in a Reuters poll of economists. A measure of how willing people are to make major purchases such as a car rose sharply

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Global shares head for worst week since 2008 financial crisis

February 27, 2020 0
Global shares head for worst week since 2008 financial crisis

By Hideyuki Sano TOKYO (Reuters) - Global share prices headed for the worst week since the darkest days of the world financial crisis in 2008 as investors braced for the coronavirus to become a pandemic and rapidly spread around the world. Hopes that the epidemic that started in China would be over in a few months and economic activity would return to normal have been shattered, as new infections reported around the world now surpass those in China

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Facebook cancels developer conference as tech companies respond to virus

February 27, 2020 0
Facebook cancels developer conference as tech companies respond to virus

By Katie Paul and Stephen Nellis (Reuters) - Facebook Inc said on Thursday it would cancel its annual developer conference due to fears over the coronavirus, as growing concerns about the economic impact of the global outbreak drove Wall Street to tumble for a sixth straight day. Facebook's F8 conference, which attracted 5,000 people from around the world last year, was scheduled to be held May 5 and 6 in San Jose, California. Microsoft Corp on Thursday said it still plans to hold its own developer conference in Seattle later in May but withdrew from a gaming conference scheduled for next month in San Francisco, joining a host of multinationals in calling off corporate events and grounding employees from travel as a result of the outbreak

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Europe looking for positive signal from U.S. on trade – EU lawmaker

February 27, 2020 0
Europe looking for positive signal from U.S. on trade – EU lawmaker

By Andrea Shalal WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The European Union hopes to de-escalate trade tensions with the United States but wants Washington to lower steel tariffs or make another goodwill gesture after a series of concessions by Brussels in recent years, a top EU lawmaker said Thursday. European lawmakers were stung when Washington this month expanded steel tariffs just as the two economic powers were trying to resume trade negotiations, Bernd Lange, who chairs the European Parliament's trade committee, told reporters. Lange, who led a delegation of European lawmakers who met with senior U.S.

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दिल्ली: हिंसा के बाद अब जिंदगी दोबारा ढर्रे पर लाने की जंग लड़ रहे लोग

February 27, 2020 0
दिल्ली: हिंसा के बाद अब जिंदगी दोबारा ढर्रे पर लाने की जंग लड़ रहे लोग
दिल्ली के उत्तर-पूर्वी दिल्ली में भड़की हिंसा का दौर अब खत्म हो चुका है. एक बार फिर धीरे-धीरे उन इलाकों...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2wa3REs

How the Democratic nominating battle could end in a messy ‘brokered convention’

February 27, 2020 0
How the Democratic nominating battle could end in a messy ‘brokered convention’

By Joseph Ax (Reuters) - Seemingly every four years, political pundits speculate about a "brokered" U.S. presidential convention - only to see a nominee selected with little or no drama. But that may not be the case in 2020.

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Turkish army retaliates against ‘all known’ Syrian government targets

February 27, 2020 0
Turkish army retaliates against ‘all known’ Syrian government targets

ANKARA (Reuters) - The Turkish army is retaliating with artillery fire at Syrian government targets in Syria after an airstrike killed 22 Turkish soldiers in the northwestern Idlib province, two Turkish security officials said on Friday.

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U.S. grants sanctions waiver to ease humanitarian trade to Iran via Swiss channel

February 27, 2020 0
U.S. grants sanctions waiver to ease humanitarian trade to Iran via Swiss channel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday granted a license to allow for certain humanitarian trade transactions with Iran's sanctioned central bank, a move it said was in step with the formalization of a Swiss humanitarian trade channel.

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Syrian state TV says Israeli helicopters launch missiles at Syrian military points

February 27, 2020 0
Syrian state TV says Israeli helicopters launch missiles at Syrian military points

CAIRO (Reuters) - Syrian state TV said on Thursday Israeli helicopters launched missiles at Syrian military points in Al-Qahtaniyah, Al-Hurria, and Al-Qunaitra, injuring three soldiers. It added that the helicopters came from above the Golan Heights, Syrian state TV said. (Reporting by Ahmed Tolba; Editing by Sandra Maler)

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Cuba to deliver verdict in closely eyed dissident case next month

February 27, 2020 0
Cuba to deliver verdict in closely eyed dissident case next month

By Sarah Marsh and Nelson Acosta HAVANA (Reuters) - Communist-run Cuba will deliver its verdict in a closely watched case against Jose Daniel Ferrer, one of the country's leading dissidents, on March 12, his wife told Reuters on Thursday, the day after his trial. Ferrer, 49, was arrested nearly five months ago on charges of abducting a man and causing him serious injuries, charges he denies and that his supporters say are aimed at silencing a vocal and internationally known government critic. Ferrer is the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), one of the country’s largest and most active opposition groups.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Trump reassures Americans coronavirus risk is low, puts Pence in charge of U.S. response

February 26, 2020 0
Trump reassures Americans coronavirus risk is low, puts Pence in charge of U.S. response

By Jeff Mason and Jonathan Allen WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump assured Americans on Wednesday the risk from coronavirus remained "very low," and placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the U.S. response to the looming global health crisis. At a White House briefing with his coronavirus task force, Trump said public health officials were preparing to do "whatever we have to" to deal with the outbreak

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Trump promises more lawsuits against New York Times

February 26, 2020 0
Trump promises more lawsuits against New York Times

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday more lawsuits would be filed against the New York Times after his re-election campaign said it was filing a libel suit over what it said was a false opinion article that suggested Russia and the campaign had an overarching deal in the 2016 U.S. election.

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Asian stocks extend losses as pandemic fears grow

February 26, 2020 0
Asian stocks extend losses as pandemic fears grow

By Tom Westbrook SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil and Asian share markets slipped on Thursday, struggling to find a footing as the rapid global spread of the coronavirus left investors on edge and seeking safety in gold and bonds. Most new virus cases are now being reported outside China - the origin of the outbreak - with South Korea, Italy and Iran emerging as new epicentres. Brazil reported its first infection overnight and U.S.

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Alphabet still facing questions over data use in its Toronto smart city project proposal

February 26, 2020 0
Alphabet still facing questions over data use in its Toronto smart city project proposal

By Moira Warburton TORONTO (Reuters) - Alphabet's proposed "smart" city development in Toronto is facing fresh questions over the project's data-gathering technology from a panel advising the Canadian government-mandated body in charge of getting it built.

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पूरे परिवार के साथ शाहजहांपुर जेल में शिफ्ट किए गए आजम खान

February 26, 2020 0
पूरे परिवार के साथ शाहजहांपुर जेल में शिफ्ट किए गए आजम खान

रामपुर से समाजवादी पार्टी (सपा) सांसद आजम खान, उनकी पत्नी तंजीन फातिमा और बेटे अब्दुल्लाह आजम को शाहजहांपुर जेल शिफ्ट...

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Saudi Arabia suspends entry for Umrah, visits to Al Masjid Al Nabawy amid coronavirus

February 26, 2020 0
Saudi Arabia suspends entry for Umrah, visits to Al Masjid Al Nabawy amid coronavirus

CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia temporarily suspended entry to the kingdom for the Umrah Islamic pilgrimage and visits to al Masjid Al Nabawy in Medina, the ministry of foreign affairs announced on Twitter on Thursday amid fears over the spread of the new coronavirus. The kingdom has also suspended entry to Saudi Arabia for anyone with tourism visas from countries where coronavirus is a threat. The Foreign Ministry called on citizens not to travel to countries where the new coronavirus is spreading.

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Cruise operator in talks with Mexico to allow ship to dock amid coronavirus fears

February 26, 2020 0
Cruise operator in talks with Mexico to allow ship to dock amid coronavirus fears

By Anthony Esposito MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Global cruise operator MSC Cruises was negotiating with Mexican authorities on Wednesday to allow one of its vessels to dock in the Caribbean port of Cozumel, after Jamaica and Grand Cayman barred passengers from disembarking on fears of a coronavirus outbreak, a company spokesman said. A document from Mexico's Health Ministry reviewed by Reuters said the cruise ship MSC Meraviglia - carrying more than 6,000 passengers and crew - had been granted "free pratique," or permission to enter the Cozumel port based on the assessment that it presented no risk of spreading disease.

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Global stocks outlook still positive, but vulnerable to coronavirus- Reuters poll

February 26, 2020 0
Global stocks outlook still positive, but vulnerable to coronavirus- Reuters poll

By Rahul Karunakar BENGALURU (Reuters) - Global stocks have further to run this year, but the likelihood of a correction of 10% or more is high, according to Reuters polls of market strategists, with the severity of the economic hit from the coronavirus outbreak being the biggest risk. Last year was a bumper year for stocks, with all 17 top global indexes polled by Reuters ending the year higher than where they started.

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UK car industry seeks support, free-trade Brexit deal, as output falls

February 26, 2020 0
UK car industry seeks support, free-trade Brexit deal, as output falls

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's car industry called on the government to help boost the market in its upcoming budget and secure a free-trade deal with Europe as output fell again in January, hit by a double-digit slump in domestic demand. British factories produced 118,314 cars last month, down an annual 2.1%, as an increase in exports failed to outweigh a 23.9% fall in domestic demand, according to data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). The trade body called on the government for help in the March 11 budget

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Exclusive: IMF, World Bank consider ‘virtual’ Spring Meetings as virus spreads

February 26, 2020 0
Exclusive: IMF, World Bank consider ‘virtual’ Spring Meetings as virus spreads

By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Growing concerns inside the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank about the spread of the new coronavirus have prompted the institutions to consider scaling back their Spring Meetings in April or hold them by teleconference, people familiar with the discussions said.

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Wall St. falls more slowly as investors parse coronavirus fears

February 26, 2020 0
Wall St. falls more slowly as investors parse coronavirus fears

By Sinéad Carew New York (Reuters) - The S&P 500 fell for a fifth straight day on Wednesday and while its decline was slower than the last few days, the session was volatile as investors reacted to headlines about coronavirus and sought to gauge its economic fallout. After rising as much as 1.7% in the morning, the S&P 500 hit a session low after health officials in Nassau County, New York, said they were monitoring 83 people who visited China and may have come in contact with the virus.

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SGPGI में हुआ पार्किंसन का सफल ऑपरेशन, मरीजों को मिलेगा दर्द से छुटकारा

February 26, 2020 0
SGPGI में हुआ पार्किंसन का सफल ऑपरेशन, मरीजों को मिलेगा दर्द से छुटकारा
हाल ही में पीजीआई के न्यूरोलॉजी विभाग के एचओडी प्रो सुनील प्रधान, न्यूरो सर्जरी विभाग के एचओडी डॉ संजय बिहारी...

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हथियारों के साथ कोर्ट में घुसने की कोशिश, 3 राइफलों सहित 4 लोग गिरफ्तार

February 26, 2020 0
हथियारों के साथ कोर्ट में घुसने की कोशिश, 3 राइफलों सहित 4 लोग गिरफ्तार
सूरजपुर जिला कोर्ट में हत्या के आरोपी अरुण यादव को पुलिस पेशी के लिए लाई थी. उसकी एक बीजेपी नेता...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2VmONOp

‘Multiple people’ killed in shooting at Molson Coors facility in Milwaukee

February 26, 2020 0
‘Multiple people’ killed in shooting at Molson Coors facility in Milwaukee

By Steve Gorman (Reuters) - "Multiple people" were killed in a mass shooting at a Molson Coors Beverage Co facility in Milwaukee on Wednesday, with the suspect apparently among the dead, the city's mayor, Tom Barrett, said. Milwaukee police said on Twitter they were responding to a "critical incident," but released no immediate details

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Health officials tell U.S. to prepare for coronavirus, Trump blasts TV channels

February 26, 2020 0
Health officials tell U.S. to prepare for coronavirus, Trump blasts TV channels

By Steve Holland and Jonathan Allen WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Public health officials on Wednesday warned Americans to prepare for more coronavirus cases and New York City announced plans to provide up to 1,200 hospital beds if needed, as President Donald Trump said the country was in "great shape" to handle a looming health crisis. Trump accused two cable TV news channels of presenting the danger from the virus in as bad a light as possible and upsetting financial markets

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Genetic study shows the red panda is actually two separate species

February 26, 2020 0
Genetic study shows the red panda is actually two separate species

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Red pandas, the bushy-tailed and russet-furred bamboo munchers that dwell in Asian high forests, are not a single species but rather two distinct ones, according to the most comprehensive genetic study to date on these endangered mammals.

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Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes

February 26, 2020 0
Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes

By Joseph Ax NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders' Democratic presidential rivals warn that nominating the self-described democratic socialist will ensure President Donald Trump's re-election, but a growing number of the party's voters see the senator as their best chance of winning in November. Sanders' dominating performance in last week's Nevada caucuses, powered by growing support across age, race and ideology, has set off alarm bells among Democratic Party officials who believe putting the progressive stalwart at the top of the ticket will harm the party's chances up and down the ballot. Sanders' electability was a prime topic at Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina

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Pentagon says may need additional funding to deal with coronavirus

February 26, 2020 0
Pentagon says may need additional funding to deal with coronavirus

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday it was reviewing the possibility it may need additional funding to deal with the spread of the coronavirus, hours after the U.S. military reported a soldier in South Korea had become infected

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Trump campaign says it is suing New York Times over Russia opinion piece

February 26, 2020 0
Trump campaign says it is suing New York Times over Russia opinion piece

By Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's re-election campaign said on Wednesday it was filing a libel suit accusing the New York Times of intentionally publishing a false opinion article that suggested Russia and the campaign had an overarching deal in the 2016 U.S. election. In an escalation of the Republican president's long-running battle with the news media, campaign officials said the lawsuit was being filed in state court in New York

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Court allows Trump to withhold funds from ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions

February 26, 2020 0
Court allows Trump to withhold funds from ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions

By Jonathan Stempel NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from states and cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, a U.S.

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Biden lands key endorsement, Sanders touts momentum as Democrats campaign in South Carolina

February 26, 2020 0
Biden lands key endorsement, Sanders touts momentum as Democrats campaign in South Carolina

By Trevor Hunnicutt and Simon Lewis CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won the endorsement of an influential black congressman from South Carolina on Wednesday, which could prove pivotal as he competes with current national front-runner Bernie Sanders for the support of the state's black voters in Saturday's primary. Recent polls show Biden, once the leading candidate in the race to be the Democratic nominee in November, losing ground nationally with black voters to the surging Vermont senator

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Turkish defence ministry says two soldiers killed in air strikes in Syria’s Idlib

February 26, 2020 0
Turkish defence ministry says two soldiers killed in air strikes in Syria’s Idlib

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey's Defence Ministry said early on Thursday that two of its soldiers were killed and two others wounded in an air strike on Turkish forces in Syria's Idlib region. It said the Turkish military opened fire on Syrian government targets in response.

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Deadly mass shooting reported at Molson Coors facility in Milwaukee

February 26, 2020 0
Deadly mass shooting reported at Molson Coors facility in Milwaukee

(Reuters) - Police in Milwaukee said on Wednesday that officers were on the scene of a "critical incident" at the Molson Coors headquarters, which local news media described as a shooting with multiple casualties. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, citing multiple unnamed sources, said seven people had been killed, including the shooter

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

चर्चा में फिल्म शीर कोरमा, बॉलीवुड में पहली बार दिखेगा ये खास कॉन्सेप्ट

February 25, 2020 0
चर्चा में फिल्म शीर कोरमा, बॉलीवुड में पहली बार दिखेगा ये खास कॉन्सेप्ट
फिल्म के ट्रेलर के शुरुआती हिस्से में स्वरा भास्कर अंग्रेजी में बातचीत के दौरान दिव्या दत्ता को बजाए She बुलाने...

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शीर कोरमा से पहले इस लेस्बियन फिल्म में किया शबाना ने काम, मचा था बवाल

February 25, 2020 0
शीर कोरमा से पहले इस लेस्बियन फिल्म में किया शबाना ने काम, मचा था बवाल
दीपा मेहता की फिल्म फायर में एक मिडिल क्लास परिवार में दो महिलाओं की कहानी को दिखाया गया था जो...

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खत्‍म हुआ डोनाल्‍ड ट्रंप का दौरा, यहां जानें-भारत को क्‍या मिला

February 25, 2020 0
खत्‍म हुआ डोनाल्‍ड ट्रंप का दौरा, यहां जानें-भारत को क्‍या मिला
अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति डोनाल्‍ड ट्रंप का दो दिवसीय दौरा समाप्‍त हो चुका है. ऐसे में सवाल है कि ट्रंप के इस...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/37VbFqJ

Railways earned over Rs 9,000 cr from cancelled and waitlisted ticket charges in last 3 years; maximum ticket purchases made online

February 25, 2020 0
Railways earned over Rs 9,000 cr from cancelled and waitlisted ticket charges in last 3 years; maximum ticket purchases made online

‘I was scared they would catch me for being a journalist, molest me for being a girl, lynch me for being a Muslim’: First person account from Maujpur

February 25, 2020 0
‘I was scared they would catch me for being a journalist, molest me for being a girl, lynch me for being a Muslim’: First person account from Maujpur

When I reached Maujpur, one of the many areas in northeast Delhi affected by violence after groups of anti-and-pro-Citizenship Amendment Act protesters clashed among themselves, I saw several people scattered in different groups all over the area. I had been already cautioned by other journalists about heckling and harassment, so I did not dare take my phone out. I simply kept walking.

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Shaheen Bagh protests: SC-appointed interlocutors submit sealed report on anti-CAA agitation; top court to hear matter today

February 25, 2020 0
Shaheen Bagh protests: SC-appointed interlocutors submit sealed report on anti-CAA agitation; top court to hear matter today

Wajahat Habibullah, who has been asked by the Supreme Court to assist interlocutors in mediating matter with Shaheen Bagh protesters, filed an affidavit on Sunday in the court saying that the anti-CAA protests there are peaceful. He even raised the issue of road blockade by the Delhi Police at five points in the area.

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RBI lifts ban on Bandhan Bank network expansion after lender’s efforts to comply with licensing conditions

February 25, 2020 0
RBI lifts ban on Bandhan Bank network expansion after lender’s efforts to comply with licensing conditions

Champions League: Griezmann Scores to Help FC Barcelona to Draw With Napoli in Last 16 1st Leg

February 25, 2020 0
Champions League: Griezmann Scores to Help FC Barcelona to Draw With Napoli in Last 16 1st Leg

Champions League: Serge Gnabry Brace Fires Bayern Munich to Win Over Chelsea in Last 16 1st Leg

February 25, 2020 0
Champions League: Serge Gnabry Brace Fires Bayern Munich to Win Over Chelsea in Last 16 1st Leg
UEFA Champions League 2019-20: Bayern Munich were at their fluid best as Serge Gnabry scored a double to help them to 3-0 win over Chelsea.

from Top Football News- News18.com https://ift.tt/2PnTyUb

दिल्ली हिंसा पर हाई कोर्ट में आधी रात को सुनवाई, पुलिस से स्टेटस रिपोर्ट तलब

February 25, 2020 0
दिल्ली हिंसा पर हाई कोर्ट में आधी रात को सुनवाई, पुलिस से स्टेटस रिपोर्ट तलब

दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट में जस्टिस मुरलीधर के घर आधी रात को सुनवाई हुई. प्रदर्शन के दौरान हुई हिंसा में घायलों...

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बालाकोट एयरस्ट्राइक: एक साल बाद पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे बदल दिया कैम्प

February 25, 2020 0
बालाकोट एयरस्ट्राइक: एक साल बाद पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे बदल दिया कैम्प
पाकिस्तान के खैबर पख्तूनख्वा सूबे में बालाकोट कैम्प पर हुए हमले की पहली बरसी से पहले ही इस कैम्प की...

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Afghan wheelchair basketball captain hopes peace gives team a shot at Paralympics

February 25, 2020 0
Afghan wheelchair basketball captain hopes peace gives team a shot at Paralympics

By Hameed Farzad KABUL (Reuters) - One of thousands of Afghans badly injured during years of conflict, Nilofar Bayat hopes for peace so that her wheelchair basketball team can take part in the Paralympics but fears a return to power by the Taliban could quash her dreams. Bayat, now 26, suffered a spinal cord injury at the age of two when a rocket hit her house, killing her brother. Her injury limited her ability to run or jump but has not deterred her from studying, getting a job and pursuing her love of basketball

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New coronavirus cases in Germany, one man in critical condition

February 25, 2020 0
New coronavirus cases in Germany, one man in critical condition

BERLIN (Reuters) - A 25-year-old man living in the southern German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg has tested positive for coronavirus after a trip to Milan, and another man further north is in a critical condition with the disease, authorities said on Tuesday. The Baden-Wuerttemberg health ministry said the man in the southern state, who had likely become infected during his visit to Italy, had contacted authorities after coming down with flu-like symptoms.

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Musk’s SpaceX rocket production facility approved by Port of Los Angeles

February 25, 2020 0
Musk’s SpaceX rocket production facility approved by Port of Los Angeles

By Steve Gorman and Joey Roulette LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - SpaceX, the private rocket company of high tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, won final approval on Tuesday to build a research and manufacturing plant for its deep-space Starship project on a tract of vacant land at the Port of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council granted a permit for the facility by a unanimous 12-0 vote, paving the way for Musk, also the founder of Tesla Inc electric car company, to proceed with an accelerated development of a new spacecraft and rocket system designed to carry humans to the moon and Mars. The L.A

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Asian stocks, Treasury yields fall as pandemic fears intensify

February 25, 2020 0
Asian stocks, Treasury yields fall as pandemic fears intensify

By Stanley White TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares fell on Wednesday as a U.S. warning to Americans to prepare for the possibility of a coronavirus pandemic drove another Wall Street tumble and pushed yields on safe-haven Treasuries to record lows.

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Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga to step down in 2021; chief product officer Michael Miebach to take over

February 25, 2020 0
Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga to step down in 2021; chief product officer Michael Miebach to take over

Ajay Banga, who took charge of the company just after the 2008-09 financial crisis, has seen the payment processor’s revenue triple during his tenure as online shopping gained prominence around the world.

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Captain murdered on oil tanker off Venezuela – port authority

February 25, 2020 0
Captain murdered on oil tanker off Venezuela – port authority

CARACAS (Reuters) - Armed assailants murdered the captain of an oil tanker after boarding his ship while it was anchored off the coast of eastern Venezuela, according to a local union leader and a report from a Venezuelan port authority. Six armed individuals boarded the San Ramon tanker early Monday morning in Pozuelos Bay and shot the captain, Colombian national Jaime Herrera Orozco, a report from the Puerto La Cruz port authority seen by Reuters said. A coast guard sergeant guarding the ship was also injured, the report added.

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Canaries hotel locked down over coronavirus as Spain reports first mainland cases

February 25, 2020 0
Canaries hotel locked down over coronavirus as Spain reports first mainland cases

By Inti Landauro and Emma Pinedo MADRID (Reuters) - A large Canary Islands hotel was locked down for coronavirus tests on Tuesday after a guest and his wife were found to be infected, as Spain also reported its first three cases of the disease on the mainland.

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दिल्लीः खदेड़े गए CM आवास के बाहर खड़े छात्र, वाटर कैनन का किया इस्तेमाल

February 25, 2020 0
दिल्लीः खदेड़े गए CM आवास के बाहर खड़े छात्र, वाटर कैनन का किया इस्तेमाल

नागरिकता संशोधन कानून (सीएए) को लेकर दिल्ली में भड़की हिंसा पर जल्द रोकथाम और दोषियों पर एक्शन की मांग के...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2HUdRnV

Canada hit by new rail, road barricades following arrests of indigenous protesters

February 25, 2020 0
Canada hit by new rail, road barricades following arrests of indigenous protesters

By Steve Scherer and Denise Paglinawan OTTAWA/TORONTO (Reuters) - Protesters in Canada blocked train lines, Vancouver's port entrance and at least one highway on Tuesday in response to the arrest of 10 indigenous activists when police dismantled a rail barricade in southern Ontario a day earlier. On Monday, police arrested some of the Tyendinaga Mohawk campaigners who had shut down the line in solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en from British Columbia, who seek to stop construction of a gas pipeline over their land. Demonstrators mounted a new rail blockade late on Monday night at a junction of three busy Canadian National Railway lines near Hamilton, southwest of Toronto, but left by about 5 p.m.

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Trump warns of more U.S. sanctions on Venezuelan oil sector

February 25, 2020 0
Trump warns of more U.S. sanctions on Venezuelan oil sector

By Nidhi Verma and Aftab Ahmed NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The United States is preparing to impose more sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector, President Donald Trump said on Tuesday, in an attempt to choke financing to President Nicolas Maduro's government. "You will be seeing something on that in the not too distant future," Trump told a news conference in Delhi when asked if Washington would impose more sanctions on Venezuela or on Indian firms that buy Venezuelan oil from third parties after imposing sanctions on a trading unit of Russian oil giant Rosneft. "There could be very serious sanctions," he said without giving details.

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In first public results, Branson’s Virgin Galactic posts $73 mln quarterly loss

February 25, 2020 0
In first public results, Branson’s Virgin Galactic posts $73 mln quarterly loss

In first public results, Branson’s Virgin Galactic posts $73 million quarterly loss

February 25, 2020 0
In first public results, Branson’s Virgin Galactic posts $73 million quarterly loss

By Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) - Billionaire Richard Branson's space tourism company, Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc , said on Tuesday its fourth-quarter net loss widened to $73 million from a year-ago loss of $46 million as it reported its first results as a publicly traded company.

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Monday, February 24, 2020

जापान में क्रूज पर सवार दो और भारतीय कोरोना से संक्रमित, चालक दल के सदस्य

February 24, 2020 0
जापान में क्रूज पर सवार दो और भारतीय कोरोना से संक्रमित, चालक दल के सदस्य
भारतीय दूतावास ने जानकारी दी कि पीसीआर टेस्ट का परिणाम आज घोषित किया गया, जिसमें डायमंड प्रिंसिसेज क्रूज में...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2STCSWK

Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Nomura among banks curbing trips to Italy on fears over coronavirus outbreak: Report

February 24, 2020 0
Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Nomura among banks curbing trips to Italy on fears over coronavirus outbreak: Report

Canadian police clear indigenous rail blockade, arrest 10

February 24, 2020 0
Canadian police clear indigenous rail blockade, arrest 10

By Chris Helgren TYENDINAGA, Ontario (Reuters) - Police on Monday made 10 arrests and cleared a rail blockade by an indigenous group in eastern Canada that had been stopping freight and passenger traffic for almost three weeks on one of the country's busiest lines.

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Trump administration weighs emergency funds to combat coronavirus

February 24, 2020 0
Trump administration weighs emergency funds to combat coronavirus

By Jeff Mason and Susan Heavey WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is considering asking lawmakers for emergency funding to ramp up its response to the fast-spreading coronavirus, a White House spokesman said on Monday without providing details.

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U.S., South Korea eye scaling back joint training over coronavirus concerns

February 24, 2020 0
U.S., South Korea eye scaling back joint training over coronavirus concerns

By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. and South Korean militaries said on Monday they are considering scaling back joint training due to mounting concerns about the spreading coronavirus, in one of the first concrete signs of the virus' fallout on global U.S.

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Australia spy chief warns of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat

February 24, 2020 0
Australia spy chief warns of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat

By Colin Packham SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is under an "unprecedented" threat of foreign espionage and interference, one of the country's most senior spy chiefs said in a rare speech, citing the case of a "sleeper agent" who spent years building business links. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Director-General Mike Burgess said several nations were working hard to influence lawmakers, government officials, media figures, business leaders and academics.

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Oil sinks 4% on demand concerns as coronavirus spreads

February 24, 2020 0
Oil sinks 4% on demand concerns as coronavirus spreads

By Stephanie Kelly NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices slumped by nearly 4% on Monday as the rapid spread of the coronavirus in countries outside China added to investor concerns over the effect on demand for crude. Global equities also extended losses as worries about the impact of the virus grew, with the number of cases jumping in Iran, Italy and South Korea.

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Gold surges to seven-year peak as pandemic fears spark safe-haven rush

February 24, 2020 0
Gold surges to seven-year peak as pandemic fears spark safe-haven rush

By Harshith Aranya (Reuters) - Gold soared as much as 2.8% on Monday to its highest level in seven years, as investors worried about global economic growth in the face of sharply rising coronavirus cases outside China. Spot gold was up 1.9% at $1,674.40 per ounce by 12:26 p.m. EST (1726 GMT)

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Japan shares dive, bond markets bet virus will force rate cuts

February 24, 2020 0
Japan shares dive, bond markets bet virus will force rate cuts

By Wayne Cole SYDNEY (Reuters) - Asian shares extended losses on Tuesday amid fears the coronavirus was rapidly mutating into a pandemic that could cripple global supply chains and wreak far greater economic damage than first thought. Both U.S

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U.S. Democrats want Russia sanctions over 2020 election interference

February 24, 2020 0
U.S. Democrats want Russia sanctions over 2020 election interference

U.S. FAA agrees to pay $90,000 to whistleblower who disclosed unqualified flight safety inspectors

February 24, 2020 0
U.S. FAA agrees to pay $90,000 to whistleblower who disclosed unqualified flight safety inspectors

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) agreed to pay $90,000 to an aviation safety inspector who faced retaliation for raising concerns about unqualified flight safety inspectors, a U.S.

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U.S., South Korea weigh scaling back training over coronavirus concerns

February 24, 2020 0
U.S., South Korea weigh scaling back training over coronavirus concerns

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. and South Korean military are considering scaling back command post training due to heightened concerns about the coronavirus, the defence ministers of both countries said on Monday. "I'm sure that we will remain fully ready to deal with any threats that we will face together," U.S

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Coronavirus kills 12 in Iran, 61 infected – health ministry

February 24, 2020 0
Coronavirus kills 12 in Iran, 61 infected – health ministry

DUBAI (Reuters) - Twelve people have died and 61 have been infected with the coronavirus in Iran, Tehran's health ministry said on Monday. However, a member of parliament said 50 people had died in the city of Qom, 120 km (75 miles) south of the capital Tehran, alone in the past two weeks from the coronavirus. Meanwhile more than 10,000 drug addicts have been quarantined in treatment centers in Tehran province to guard against the coronavirus, state-run IRNA news agency reported, citing a local official.

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On the trail: Buttigieg heckled, Bloomberg and Sanders tussle on vandalism, guns

February 24, 2020 0
On the trail: Buttigieg heckled, Bloomberg and Sanders tussle on vandalism, guns

By Jarrett Renshaw CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg on Monday clashed with front-runner Bernie Sanders over vandalism at Bloomberg's Chicago office and their gun control stances, while centrist rival Pete Buttigieg was heckled at a labour march. Sanders and his top rivals, including Bloomberg and former Vice President Joe Biden, headed into an intense period of campaigning before Saturday's South Carolina primary -- their first big test with African-American voters -- and the 14-state Super Tuesday contest on March 3 that will offer the largest number of votes so far

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Gaza-Israel hostilities flare through second day with rocket attacks, air strikes

February 24, 2020 0
Gaza-Israel hostilities flare through second day with rocket attacks, air strikes

By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Rami Ayyub GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Gaza militants on Monday fired rockets towards Israel, which responded with air strikes, in the second day of an escalation that began to ebb after the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad announced a halt to its attacks. Islamic Jihad has fired 80 rockets towards Israeli communities along the Gaza border since Sunday, an Israeli military spokeswoman said, while Israel has attacked sites in Gaza and Syria that killed three Islamic Jihad members

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Billion-year-old Chinese seaweed is oldest green plant fossil

February 24, 2020 0
Billion-year-old Chinese seaweed is oldest green plant fossil

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists have spotted in rocks from northern China what may be the oldest fossils of a green plant ever found, tiny seaweed that carpeted areas of the seafloor roughly a billion years ago and were part of a primordial revolution among life on Earth. Researchers on Monday said the plant, called Proterocladus antiquus, was about the size of a rice grain and boasted numerous thin branches, thriving in shallow water while attached to the seafloor with a root-like structure. It may seem small, but Proterocladus - a form of green algae - was one of the largest organisms of its time, sharing the seas mainly with bacteria and other microbes.

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British fintech Revolut hits $5.5 billion valuation after funding round

February 24, 2020 0
British fintech Revolut hits $5.5 billion valuation after funding round

By Iain Withers LONDON (Reuters) - Digital banking app Revolut has raised $500 million in a fresh funding round, confirming the British-based business as one of the world's most valuable financial technology firms with a valuation of $5.5 billion. The Series D funding round was led by U.S.

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Wall St. plunges on fears of coronavirus pandemic

February 24, 2020 0
Wall St. plunges on fears of coronavirus pandemic

By Sinéad Carew New York (Reuters) - The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Monday suffered their biggest one-day percentage losses in two years after a surge in coronavirus cases outside China fanned worries about the global economic impact of a potential pandemic. Investors sold riskier assets and rushed to traditionally safer bets such as gold and U.S

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U.S. safety board to issue new recommendations in probe of fatal Tesla Autopilot crash

February 24, 2020 0
U.S. safety board to issue new recommendations in probe of fatal Tesla Autopilot crash

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday to establish the probable cause of a fatal March 2018 Tesla Autopilot crash in California and will issue a series of safety recommendations, two people briefed on the matter said on Monday. The safety board is expected to issue recommendations to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tesla and a California transportation agency, the sources said.

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Indian Railways ने आज रद्द कीं 500 ट्रेनें, सफर से पहले देखें लिस्ट

February 24, 2020 0
Indian Railways ने आज रद्द कीं 500 ट्रेनें, सफर से पहले देखें लिस्ट
IRCTC Indian Railways Cancelled and diverted Trains Today List: भारतीय रेलवे ने आज 25 फरवरी 2020 यानी मंगलवार को करीब...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2SVqGEP

भारत से डील, मेलानिया का सरकारी स्कूल दौरा, जानें राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप का आज का शेड्यूल

February 24, 2020 0
भारत से डील, मेलानिया का सरकारी स्कूल दौरा, जानें राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप का आज का शेड्यूल
अहमदाबाद के मोटेरा स्टेडियम में सोमवार को आयोजित नमस्ते ट्रंप कार्यक्रम में अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने ऐलान किया था कि...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/32u7uBd

U.S. still eyeing ways to curb sales to Huawei after Trump’s chipmaker comments – sources

February 24, 2020 0
U.S. still eyeing ways to curb sales to Huawei after Trump’s chipmaker comments – sources

By Karen Freifeld (Reuters) - U.S. government officials are still considering ways to further curb sales to China's Huawei Technologies, despite President Donald Trump's tweets and comments last week in support of sales to China, according to people familiar with the matter

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from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2Pmni3P

Citi, Credit Suisse among banks curbing Italy trips on coronavirus fears – sources

February 24, 2020 0
Citi, Credit Suisse among banks curbing Italy trips on coronavirus fears – sources

By Pamela Barbaglia and Valentina Za LONDON/MILAN (Reuters) - Investment banks including Citigroup Inc , Credit Suisse and Nomura Holdings Inc have curbed trips to Italy on fears that the coronavirus outbreak across the north of the country could quickly spread across Europe, four sources told Reuters.

The post Citi, Credit Suisse among banks curbing Italy trips on coronavirus fears – sources appeared first on Firstpost.

from Firstpost https://ift.tt/2urHyK1

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Dedicated freight corridor to bring down charges by 50%, likely to be operational by next year; DFCCIL to run 120 trains daily

February 23, 2020 0
Dedicated freight corridor to bring down charges by 50%, likely to be operational by next year; DFCCIL to run 120 trains daily

India vs New Zealand: Skipper Virat Kohli concedes batting unit weren’t competitive enough, after 10-wicket loss in Wellington

February 23, 2020 0
India vs New Zealand: Skipper Virat Kohli concedes batting unit weren’t competitive enough, after 10-wicket loss in Wellington

सोमवार को 453 ट्रेनें रद्द, बिहार जाने वाली कई ट्रेनें कैंसिल, यहां देखें लिस्ट

February 23, 2020 0
सोमवार को 453 ट्रेनें रद्द, बिहार जाने वाली कई ट्रेनें कैंसिल, यहां देखें लिस्ट
Indian Railways IRCTC cancelled trains list: Indian Railways ने सोमवार को बड़ी संख्या में ट्रेनों को रद्द कर दिया है....

from आज तक https://ift.tt/3c4Lkty

‘नमस्ते ट्रंप’ कहने को तैयार भारत, अहमदाबाद में मोदी करेंगे US राष्ट्रपति का स्वागत

February 23, 2020 0
‘नमस्ते ट्रंप’ कहने को तैयार भारत, अहमदाबाद में मोदी करेंगे US राष्ट्रपति का स्वागत
दुनिया के सबसे ताकतवर देश के प्रमुख डोनाल्ड ट्रंप आज भारत पहुंच रहे हैं. अपने दो दिवसीय दौरे की...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2w2oQsA

CAA को लेकर दिल्ली में बवाल, जाफराबाद-मौजपुर मेट्रो स्टेशन बंद

February 23, 2020 0
CAA को लेकर दिल्ली में बवाल, जाफराबाद-मौजपुर मेट्रो स्टेशन बंद

दिल्ली में नागरिकता संशोधन कानून के खिलाफ और पक्ष में प्रदर्शनों ने रविवार को हिंसक रूप ले लिया. दो पक्षों...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2v0HzVG

जब एक हादसे से टूट गया डोनाल्ड ट्रंप का दिल, शराब से कर ली तौबा

February 23, 2020 0
जब एक हादसे से टूट गया डोनाल्ड ट्रंप का दिल, शराब से कर ली तौबा
राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप शराब को हाथ भी नहीं लगाते. राष्ट्रपति बनने से पहले ट्रंप ने इंटरटेनमेंट, ब्यूटी, कैसिनो जैसे कई...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2TcO6ob

मसाला चाय- कॉर्न समोसा, गुजराती अंदाज में होगी ट्रंप की खातिरदारी

February 23, 2020 0
मसाला चाय- कॉर्न समोसा, गुजराती अंदाज में होगी ट्रंप की खातिरदारी
अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप के भारत दौरे के दौरान उनके खाने-पीने को लेकर खास इंतजाम किए गए हैं. उनका खाना...

from आज तक https://ift.tt/2SS42Nt